The Field Office Technical Guide and Other Technical Resources CNMP Core Curriculum Section 2 — Conservation Planning
CNMP Development Core Training Curriculum These course materials have been developed as a cooperative effort between five land-grant universities and The Natural Resources Conservation Service. Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) Copyright © , Iowa State University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved. Copyright Information
Objectives At the end of this module, the participant will be able to: Explain the significance of the NRCS Field Office Technical Guide in planning and applying conservation practices and systems, particularly associated with cost-share programs and permitting of CNMP’s. Basically describe the contents of the 5 sections of the NRCS FOTG. Navigate and find the needed information in the eFOTG (web-based electronic Field Office Technical Guide).
Required Materials National Planning Procedures Handbook, Section The Planning Process National Planning Procedures Handbook, Section , CNMP Technical Guidance.
Supplemental Materials NEDC Course: “Introduction to the FOTG” – available for NRCS and non-NRCS enrollees. NRCS Policy: General Manual 450, Part 401, Subparts A, B, & C. eFOTG Guides located at the following web address: NEDC Course: “Conservation Planning Modules, 1-5” – available for NRCS and non-NRCS enrollees. NRCS Policy: General Manual 180, Part 409 eFOTG Guides Section III located at
All Planning and Application Must Meet the Technical Standards and Specifications of the Field Office Technical Guide (FOTG)
This is the method used to store the Field Office Technical Guide (FOTG) in NRCS Offices for decades up until 2002.
The FOTG is the most important tool used by the NRCS field office staffs in carrying out the conservation activities of the agency. The FOTG is the most important tool used by the NRCS field office staffs in carrying out the conservation activities of the agency. The guide represents the latest conservation treatment technology. It helps NRCS decision-makers to identify resource problems, evaluate the effects of conservation treatments, compare alternatives, and select the best options to meet their objectives while protecting their natural resources. The guide represents the latest conservation treatment technology. It helps NRCS decision-makers to identify resource problems, evaluate the effects of conservation treatments, compare alternatives, and select the best options to meet their objectives while protecting their natural resources. Technical guides are the primary technical references for NRCS. Technical guides are the primary technical references for NRCS. What is the Field Office Technical Guide (FOTG)?
The FOTG contains technical information about the conservation of soil, water, air, and related plant and animal resources, also known as SWAPA. The FOTG contains technical information about the conservation of soil, water, air, and related plant and animal resources, also known as SWAPA. Technical guides are localized (2,700+ offices) so the technical information applies specifically to the geographic area. These documents are referred to collectively as Field Office Technical Guides (FOTGs). Technical guides are localized (2,700+ offices) so the technical information applies specifically to the geographic area. These documents are referred to collectively as Field Office Technical Guides (FOTGs). The FOTG is a dynamic document that regularly changes to incorporate new technology and field experience (especially University and ARS research, field experiences, and experimental trials). The FOTG is a dynamic document that regularly changes to incorporate new technology and field experience (especially University and ARS research, field experiences, and experimental trials). What is the Field Office Technical Guide (FOTG)? Continued
How is the Field Office Technical Guide (FOTG) Organized Section I - General Resource References Section II - Natural Resources Information Section III - Resource Management Systems and Quality Criteria Section IV - Practice Standards and Specifications Section V – Conservation Effects
General state and county maps General state and county maps Descriptions of Major Land Resource Areas Descriptions of Major Land Resource Areas Watersheds and watershed information Watersheds and watershed information Lists of NRCS references, manuals and handbooks Lists of NRCS references, manuals and handbooks Conservation practice costs Conservation practice costs Agricultural and environmental laws and regulations Agricultural and environmental laws and regulations Natural resources inventories Natural resources inventories Seismic zones, River Basin reports and published soil surveys Seismic zones, River Basin reports and published soil surveys A Detailed Look at the FOTG Section I - General Resource References
Soils Information and Interpretations, local soils legend Soils Information and Interpretations, local soils legend Technical and non-technical soil descriptions Technical and non-technical soil descriptions Climatic Data Climatic Data Cultural Resources Information Cultural Resources Information Threatened and Endangered Species Lists Threatened and Endangered Species Lists Ecological Site Descriptions Ecological Site Descriptions Forage Suitability Group Descriptions Forage Suitability Group Descriptions Woodland Suitability Group Descriptions Woodland Suitability Group Descriptions A Detailed Look at the FOTG Section II - Natural Resources Information
Identifies all resource concerns at or above the level of sustainability Identifies all resource concerns at or above the level of sustainability Takes into account human-cultural, economic, and social concerns Takes into account human-cultural, economic, and social concerns Concerns stated for each resource (SWAPA) Concerns stated for each resource (SWAPA) Quality Criteria for treatment of each concern Quality Criteria for treatment of each concern Commonly used conservation systems by CRA for land use Commonly used conservation systems by CRA for land use Defines legislated systems (Alternative systems for HEL compliance) Defines legislated systems (Alternative systems for HEL compliance) Concerns (25-60 per state) - soil erosion, water quality, water quantity, air emissions, air odors, wildlife habitat, soil quality, domestic water supplies, etc. Concerns (25-60 per state) - soil erosion, water quality, water quantity, air emissions, air odors, wildlife habitat, soil quality, domestic water supplies, etc. Contains definitions and tools for assessments Contains definitions and tools for assessments A Detailed Look at the FOTG Section III - Resource Management Systems and Quality Criteria Criteria
Identifies conservation practice standards applicable for each field office Identifies conservation practice standards applicable for each field office Standards which establish the minimum level of acceptable quality for planning, designing, installing, operating, and maintaining conservation practices Standards which establish the minimum level of acceptable quality for planning, designing, installing, operating, and maintaining conservation practices Access to tools used in the field for design and installation of practices Access to tools used in the field for design and installation of practices Conservation practice documentation requirements and SOW’s Conservation practice documentation requirements and SOW’s Operations and maintenance information if not in the standard Operations and maintenance information if not in the standard Job sheets and fact sheets for practices Job sheets and fact sheets for practices Conservation practice specifications Conservation practice specifications A Detailed Look at the FOTG Section IV - Practice Standards and Specifications
Identifies indicators of the impacts conservation practices and systems have on the natural and cultural resource concerns Identifies indicators of the impacts conservation practices and systems have on the natural and cultural resource concerns Case studies are often used to display the effects of the most commonly used practices and systems for local resource concerns Case studies are often used to display the effects of the most commonly used practices and systems for local resource concerns See example on next slide See example on next slide A Detailed Look at the FOTG Section V - Conservation Effects
Section V - Conservation Effects - CPPE
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eFOTG provides common look to Technical Guides
Tree Listing provides navigation to five (5)sections of the FOTG. The FOTG is county specific.
All Types of Technical Guide Content are accommodated in eFOTG PDF files Word document or spreadshee t Web application
Each eFOTG Section has a Table of Contents Displayed Alphabetically
eFOTG Provides Two Search Options Searches for a match from Title, Abstract, and Keywords Searches for match from Subject only Search Tab
HELP SCREENS, TRAINING, AND CONTACT INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO ASSIST THE NEW eFOTG USER Hit HELP in the eFOTG and documents are available for Reference and Training. Make HELP contacts by or at the USDA Service Center.
Suggested References for this Module NEDC Course: “Introduction to the FOTG” – Available for NRCS employees and non-NRCS participants. NRCS Policy: General Manual 450, Part 401, Subparts A, B, and C. eFOTG Training Guides can be located by selecting “HELP” from the menu in the eFOTG.
Other Technical Resources A list of technical resources and references specific to the state and county can be found in Section I of every FOTG. The National Website at contains detailed subject matter information sorted by technical discipline. A list and web links containing state and local laws affecting technical decisions are contained in Section I of the eFOTG. All access to technical tools, models, maps, resource data, environmental compliance information, specialized technical websites, and other technical items are contained in both the eFOTG and the National website Web-based training is available at the NRCS National Employee Development Center on conservation planning, FOTG, pest management, nutrient management, and water quality.
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