CENTERBITZ & WIBITZ Where infants through kindergarten discover who God is. We believe that no child is too small to share the love of God with. Each Sunday they will discover who they are and who God is through age appropriate crafts, stories, puppet shows, skits, etc. We even read the Bible to our infants! We believe what happens at home is more important than what happens at church. A monthly electronic bulletin will be sent to you to help you and your family discover and build a relationship with God. INSERT PICTURE CenterBitz Director:Angela Pitts CenterKidz Director: Elizabeth Small CENTERKIDZ Where kids from 1 st – 5 th grade come to learn how to have a personal relationship with God and how to share it with others. Each week we start off with music and motions to get our bodies warmed up to jump into the word of God. We then dive into large group where, from an “8” week series curriculum, we study a “Need to Know” from the Bible and how to live by it. We do this by incorporating music, interactive skit, and games that relate to the lesson. We then split up into Small Groups where we get to discuss the lesson learned and how it relates in today’s world. We do this by reviewing the lesson in a fun interactive power point questionnaire along with fun challenging games. We believe what happens at home is more important than what happens at Church. A monthly bulletin will be sent out electronically keeping you up to date on what's going on in class as well as up coming events. This will help you and your family sit down to discover God’s love together during quiet time.
Calendar of Events CenterKidz September 16 th Bring in shoe boxes “Operation Christmas Child” September 22 nd Kidz Family Day 3 Lakes Park/cookout and fishing 2:00 – 4:00 October 7 th Pick up shoe box to fill– “Operation Christmas Child” October 12 th – 14 th Family Camping Trip October 27 th Kidz Family Day AMF Hanover Lanes 11:30 – 1:30 October 31 st Halloween Block MES November 11 th “Operation Shoe Box” – Due November 18 th Kidz Family Day Parents are invited to class to Enjoy a Thanksgiving presentation From your child(ren) December TBD Mechanicsville Christmas Parade – Kid participation December 14 th Kidz Family Day Christmas Windsor 6pm – 7pm Doughnuts, hot chocolate, and coffee to follow at Krispy Kreme December 15 th 2 nd Annual Christmas Faith Baptist Church 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 am December 16 th Christmas Luncheon followed after Church Service December 23 rd Happy Birthday Jesus Party December 24 th Christmas Eve Service – Kidz Participation January 12 th Kidz Family Day Ashland Skateland 11:30 – 1:30 February 17 th Kidz Family Da y Parents are invited to class March 16 th Kidz Family Day 3 Lakes Park/cookout and fishing 11:00 – 2:00 March 31 st East MES April 13 th Kidz Family Day Midlothian Putt-Putt 11:30 – 1:30 May 12 th Kidz Family Day Moms are invited to class May 17 th Movie Atlee or MES June 16 th Kidz Family Day Dads are invited to class June 24 th – June 28 th Mega Sports MES July 12 th – July 15 th Camp Kid Jam Keep up to date on Kidz events