Harold Boley, Adrian Paschke, and Tara Athan (RuleML Initiative)RuleML Initiative The 6th International Symposium on Rules: Research Based and Industry Focused (RuleML-2012)RuleML-2012 Aug , 2012, Montpellier, France
RuleML is … Organizing annual rule symposium for research & industry Designing rule specs with/for research & industry Developing open source engines, translators, editors, … Collecting test cases, use cases, and prototypes Partnering with standards bodies W3C: Rule Interchange Format (RIF) OMG: Production Rule Representation (PRR), Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVR), and API4KB OASIS: Legal XML, Policy RuleML, and LegalRuleML ISO: Common Logic (CL) Special-purpose standards: XBRL, FpML, ACORD, … Creating interoperability pathways between their specs 1
RuleML Interoperation Effort RuleML acts as clearing house for studying interoperation between (sublanguages of) RIF, CL, SBVR, PRR, N3, Prolog, etc. 2
RuleML Family of Sublanguages 3
RuleML has … Deliberation RuleML Version 1.0 Release, ‘bi-schematic’ in XML Schema Definition (XSD) Relax NG Compact Syntax (RNC) Reaction RuleML Version 1.0 in RuleML-2012 Proceedings (survey-style description) XSD (preliminary spec) RNC (work in progress) Normalizers and Translators for Deliberation RuleML XSLT-based RuleML Official Normalizer (RON) Engines OO jDREW (focus: Derivation RuleML) Prova (focus: Reaction RuleML) Drools (focus: Reaction RuleML) DR-Device (focus: Defeasible RuleML) SPINdle (focus: Defeasible RuleML) 4
RuleML Roadmap (I) Specify Deliberation RuleML Version 1.1 in RNC, with XSD generated by TrangTrang Consolidate Reaction RuleML Version 1.0 in XSD, and translate to RNC, collaborating with RIF Production Rule Dialect (RIF-PRD) Drools open source community, JBoss, and Red Hat Event Processing Technical Society (EPTS) Design or adapt reactive default ontology of events, where other time/event/action ontologies are pluggable Specify Reaction RuleML Version 1.1 in RNC, with XSD generated by TrangTrang 5
RuleML Roadmap (II) Drive PSOA RuleML development (e.g. PSOATransRun), bridging between RuleML and revised RIF-BLDPSOA RuleMLPSOATransRun Foster XCLX and CL RuleML development, bridging between RuleML and revised Common Logic / IKLXCLX Align with other Semantic Web work (OWL 2, RDF 2, …) Provide foundation plus extensions for LegalRuleML’s advanced knowledge representation and processing Refine Rule Responder research and development platform for distributed use cases and applications Achieve innovation in industrially applied web rules 6
Extending RuleML to LegalRuleML 7 Deliberation RuleML "A citizen gets a benefit of 20 percent on the renovation of their house if the citizen does not represent a company and the renovation will improve insulation by at least 10 percent." Reaction RuleML "A citizen gets a benefit of 20 percent to be paid in the first month of the renovation of their house, starting on July 1st, 2005 and ending on June 30st, 2015, if the citizen does not represent a company and the renovation will improve insulation by at least 10 percent." LegalRuleML "Eco Union Private Home Renovation Law: According to this law, which is applicable in all member states of the Eco Union, an Eco Union citizen gets a benefit of 20 percent to be paid in the first month of the renovation of their house, starting on July 1st, 2005 and ending on June 30st, 2015 if the citizen does not represent a company and the renovation will improve insulation by at least 10 percent."
Bridges (I) 8
Bridges (II) 9
Bridges (III) 10
Bridges (IV) 11