Lessons From the Life of David


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Presentation transcript:

Lessons From the Life of David Psalm 51 Confession Is Good For The Soul: Lessons From the Life of David

David’s Downward Spiral Laziness in his leadership Lust that led to Adultery Attempted Cover up & Murder Lived in unconfessed sin

David’s Downward Spiral When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me; My vitality was drained away as with the fever heat of summer. Selah. (Psa 32:3-4)

David’s Downward Spiral Laziness in his leadership Lust that led to Adultery Attempted Cover up & Murder Lived in unconfessed sin Hypocritical anger at sin Then David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the LORD." And Nathan said to David, "The LORD also has taken away your sin; you shall not die. (2Sa 12:13)

1. David’s Confession (51:1-6) David appeals to God (1-2) God’s Character: Gracious, Unfailing Love & Compassion His Sin: Transgression, Iniquity & Sin Forgiveness: Blot, Wash, Cleanse

1. David’s Confession (51:1-6) David acknowledges his sin (3-6) He acknowledges that he has sinned (3-4) He acknowledges that he is sinful (5-6) Confession: Agreeing with and accepting God’s assessment and standard of what sin is

2. David’s Petition (51:7-12) Pleads for the removal of his sin (7-9) Pleads for the renewal of his spirit (10-12)

3. David’s Vows (51:13-19) To teach others about God (13) To sing and praise God (14-15) To worship God (16-19)

Do you understand your sin as well as David understands his in Psalm 51? Are you struggling with unconfessed sin? Are you developing a daily habit of confessing your sin? To God? To others? Do you help others understand the grace and forgiveness of God?