Today Continue summaries Introduction to Assignment 1
Summary A shortened or condensed version of something - a text, a conversation, an event, etc. The purpose is to share the main ideas. Summaries keep the same tone as the original - They do not contain opinion. No formal conclusion is required.
Applications of summarizing - Exams/tests - Research (i.e., for your thesis) - Reporting information (i.e., to a manager or to clients) Overall, being able to summarize effectively demonstrates your understanding of something and your ability to communicate concisely.
Making a summary…summary 1. Quick check 2. Read + mark 3. Re-read 4. Take notes 5. Write 6. Check 7. Polish & write again
Making a summary: Audience The amount of detail provided in a summary depends on who the audience is. i.e., Telling your friend the plot of a movie you just watched vs. summarizing a movie’s plot for movie website
Making a summary: Context If summarizing information within something larger (i.e., providing supporting statistics in a research paper) a summary may be a brief report of information. i.e., Davis (2009) found that 93% of cake eaters lived to the age of 100 or more.
Making a summary: Context A verbal summary of something (i.e., an internet article) may also be quite concise.
Making a summary: Context If making a summary is a question on an exam or the major part of an assignment, more detail is often necessary to demonstrate your understanding of the original source.
Making a summary: Context & Audience Last class’s article: “New Internet Rules Offer Window into North Korea” - Word count: 480 If summarizing to a classmate: “Foreigners in North Korea are now allowed to bring their mobile phones and use them, which indicates changes in one of the most closed countries in the world. This privilege will only be given to the few foreigners in North Korea.” - Word count (41)
Making a summary: Context & Audience If summarizing as an assignment: The article, “New Internet Rules Offer Window into North Korea”, reports that recently, the North Korean government has allowed foreigners to bring their own smart phones into the country and to use social media. Some have said this may be a sign that Kim Jong Un may ease some restrictions. Martyn Williams of North Korea Tech blog believes allowing foreigners to use smart phones could contribute to breaking down censorship in North Korea. He indicates that the use of new technology has often lead to breakdown of censorships in other authoritarian countries. This new service is only for foreigners. Williams also believes this easing of restrictions may change how foreign media report on North Korea because reporters can bypass some of North Korea's restrictions (i.e., sending pictures outside the country). One writer in Seoul is doubtful that the changes in reporting will be significant, but other people think this will be helpful. - Word Count: 152 words
Making a summary: Context If a summary is a major component of an assignment: - summary should be about 1/3 the length of the original.
Summarizing: A few more tips State the name of the original (article, book, report, etc.) at the beginning of the summary. i.e., In the article “Bats,” by Debbie Dean, we learn that in contrast to some mistaken beliefs, bats are not blind rodents that usually have rabies
Summarizing: A few more tips Include a thesis statement that communicates the original’s main idea. i.e., The article, “New Internet Rules Offer Window into North Korea”, reports that recently, the North Korean government has allowed foreigners to bring their own smart phones into the country and to use social media. Some have said this may be a sign that Kim Jong Un may ease some restrictions.
Summarizing: A few more tips If the summary contains multiple paragraphs, stick to the rule of one idea per paragraph.
Summarizing: A few more tips The article, “New Internet Rules Offer Window into North Korea”, reports that recently, the North Korean government has allowed foreigners to bring their own smart phones into the country and to use social media. Some have said this may be a sign that Kim Jong Un may ease some restrictions. Martyn Williams of North Korea Tech blog believes allowing foreigners to use smart phones could contribute to breaking down censorship in North Korea. He indicates that the use of new technology has often lead to breakdown of censorships in other authoritarian countries. This new service is only for foreigners. Williams also believes this easing of restrictions may change how foreign media report on North Korea because reporters can bypass some of North Korea's restrictions (i.e., sending pictures outside the country). One writer in Seoul is doubtful that the changes in reporting will be significant, but other people think this will be helpful.
Summarizing: A few more tips The article, “New Internet Rules Offer Window into North Korea”, reports that recently, the North Korean government has allowed foreigners to bring their own smart phones into the country and to use social media. Some have said this may be a sign that Kim Jong Un may ease some restrictions. Martyn Williams of North Korea Tech blog believes allowing foreigners to use smart phones could contribute to breaking down censorship in North Korea. He indicates that the use of new technology has often lead to breakdown of censorships in other authoritarian countries. This new service is only for foreigners. Williams also believes this easing of restrictions may change how foreign media report on North Korea because reporters can bypass some of North Korea's restrictions (i.e., sending pictures outside the country). One writer in Seoul is doubtful that the changes in reporting will be significant, but other people think this will be helpful.
Summarizing: A few more tips Use your own words! - Never copy sentences or phrases directly from the original.
Summarizing: A few more tips Use your own words! i.e., Original: Foreigners in North Korea can now use Twitter, Facebook, and other social media on their mobile phones. A steady flow of tweets and Instagram pictures have been observed since the mobile service provider Koryolink launched its 3G network last week. The move came just weeks after the North Korean government announced that it would let foreigners bring their own mobile phones into the country. Until recently, foreigners were required to leave the devices with customs officials after crossing the border. My words: In North Korea, foreigners are now permitted to bring mobile phones into the country and use social media on them.
One of the most important parts of an essay is the thesis statement. - “One of the most important parts of an essay is the thesis statement.” (Jones, 1946: 455) - The thesis statement is a very important part of an essay. - The thesis statement is the most important part of an essay. - The thesis statement is the most vital element of an essay (Jones, 1946). This example is the most different from the original. Notice that a citation is still necessary if you are adapting someone else’s ideas, though.
Using your own words Original: Foreigners in North Korea can now use Twitter, Facebook, and other social media on their mobile phones. A steady flow of tweets and Instagram pictures have been observed since the mobile service provider Koryolink launched its 3G network last week. Altered: Since Koryolink recently began operation of its 3G network, social media content from services such as Twitter and Facebook has originated from North Korea.
Using your own words Original: The new mobile Internet service will only be available to the small number of foreigners in North Korea. Altered: - Only the few foreigners living in NK are able to use the new mobile Internet service.
Using your own words Original: China's official Xinhua news agency says the Koryolink SIM card will cost $200. Data will cost an additional $200 for 2 gigabytes Altered: According to China’s official Xinhua news agency, the Koryolink SIM card and 2 gigabytes of data will cost $200 each.
Blog Next entry: Complete by next Monday (11:59pm) Topic: Anything related to your theme Length: 2 – 3 paragraphs
Assignment 1 Summary & Response - Deadlines: First draft: Thursday (bring to class) Second draft: Monday March. 31 (5:00 pm) Final draft: Thursday April 3 (11:59 pm) - Send to: - Subject: FOW assign 1 - File name: NAME_assign 1
Assignment 1 Summary & Response Two parts: 1. Summarize the article 2. Respond to the question - Response must use proper paragraph form.