BizTalk Server 2002 Group members: Mike Mckinney Joseph Schuler Ruby Thomas Jiajin Lei
Produced by Microsoft provides ability for an organization to easily implement and maintain their integrated business systems (Information Oriented) gateway between internal applications and processes and remote systems with which data is exchanged can be configured to schedule and automate document and message passing Suite of tools allow for end-to-end creation and implementation of business tasks and easy maintenance and expansion as the need arises
Try to solve B2b application Accounting for differences in application semantics between applications and companies Creating a common message format based on XML that many organizations can agree on Creating a common technology infrastructure that will become the standard for B2B application integration The controversy: Microsoft extends XML for its own purpose, BizTalk is more proprietary than a B2B application integration standard should be
BizTalk Fraework BizTalk has two parts: BizTalk Framework and BizTalk server The BizTalk Framework is a document that specifies a set of rules that allow many organizations to accept a common approach to XML. XML framework tags (BizTags) Root tag Document body tag
BizTalk Documents BizTalk moves messages: Application to application or company to compnay The BizTalk document is an XML document
BizTalk Message Structure Complete BizTalk Message Transport Specific Envelope BizTalk Document BizTalk Header Delivery Information Document Manifest Document Body Business Documents (Business Data)
BizTalk Orchestration Services allow for easier design and coordination of various business processes accomplished by combining a run-time engine with a user-friendly design tool business processes are modeled using BizTalk Orchestration Designer Once business logic is established, it is saved in an XLANG Schedule
BizTalk Orchestration Designer Visually design and coordinate various business processes Easy to use Microsoft Visio graphical interface Allows for management of overall Business Logic XLANG Schedule Executable file run to execute a business process Run by the XLANG scheduler engine BizTalk Orchestration Services
Features / Advantages Highly technical user not require to manage business processes Programmer not needed Can handle long running, complex transactions transactions that run as long as weeks or months Concurrent actions implemented in a single XLANG Schedule BizTalk Orchestration Services
BizTalk Editor create, edit, and manage document specifications allows for specification creation based on: - template - existing schema - certain types of document instances - blank specification supports any schemas using: - a structured data type - XML - electronic data interchange (EDI) - flat files previously this would have required a programming resource
BizTalk Mapper Used to create maps between data/records in one specification to another Transformation accomplished using Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) stylesheet contained in the map Allows for communication between data partners maintaining different document structures
BizTalk Messaging Services Messaging Services include: sending, receiving, parsing, and tracking of documents receipt generation and tracking data integrity data security Document Definitions created using the BizTalk Messaging Configuration object model stored in the BizTalk Messaging Management Database (SQL Server)
BizTalk Messaging Services Messaging Services Configured in one of two methods BizTalk Messaging Manager tool - graphical user interface to Messaging Management Database - functions much like wizards seen in other Microsoft applications BizTalk Messaging Configuration object model directly - using Application Programming Interface (API) - allows for programming solution if necessary (when large number of similar objects need to be created) Another notable feature of Messaging Services are prebuilt Adapters and Accelerators
BizTalk Messaging Services BizTalk Server adapters enable BizTalk Server to integrate with Third-Party applications and architectures provide for: - “ no-code” connectivity solutions - reduced implementation costs - reduced risks of project failures classified into 3 libraries - Application Adapter Library - off-the-shelf application integration - SAP - proprietary products from Siebel, Onyx, and J.D. Edwards - Technology and Transport Adapter Library -integration with common transports and technologies - Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) from Sun - MQSeries and CICS from IBM - File Transfer Protocol (FTP) - Marketplace Adapter Library - off-the-shelf system integration with popular marketplaces - Ariba - Clarus - Commerce One.
BizTalk Messaging Services BizTalk Server accelerators Provide predefined business scenarios for various industries which can be used as a model/guideline when developing and deploying a B2B solution Include product enhancements, custom tools, documentation, and samples Intended to reduce deployment time, lower ownership costs, and improve overall efficiency
BizTalk Document Tracking Easy tracking of documents as the related business process progresses Queries can be created to report document transmission Can be configured to archive in and outbound documents
BizTalk Server Administration Server Level Administration -Server management functions - adding and configuring receive functions Application Administration - managing applications that host XLANG Schedules, the XLANG Scheduler application, and related, behind the scenes databases Programmatic Administration - allow for automation of common tasks such as stopping and starting server, as well as file management tasks (backups, etc) Database Management - provide for database management tasks such as maintaining database connectivity, monitoring database traffic as well as adding, deleting, and restoring database
B2B Support: Information Flow and Processing
Receive Functions: accept documents from several sources (HTTP, SMTP, Message Bus, etc.); configured through administrative tools. Channels: transform documents into specific business or application formats; uses the BizTalk Mapper Messaging Ports: deliver documents to schedules, target applications, or trading partners; uses the Messaging Manager Schedules: orchestrate the automation of business processes; uses the BizTalk Orchestration Designer B2B Support: Information Flow and Processing
Advantages of Biztalk Reduced Time to Value: reduce development time and integration costs Easy integration with applications or technologies Global-Class Scalability: scales up and scales out for large global integration projects Support of Industry Standards
Advantages of Biztalk Reliable and Secure Document and Data Exchange Automation of Business Processes enables predictability Comprehensive management monitoring features are included
Disadvantages of Biztalk Complex processes still require programmers and not business analysts The standard system is not robust allowing a single source of failure (hub and spoke vs peer to peer) Installation of Windows 2000 server and SQL server 7.0 or 2000 are required Costs: Enterprise $25k server + SQL Server
Related system components Operating System: >For production use: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 2 (SP2). SQL Server. Visio 2002 Standard Edition is required to use BizTalk Orchestration Designer. >For tools-only installations: Windows 2000 Server Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Related system components Windows 2000 Professional with SP2 or later, or Windows XP Professional or later. Other components for running BizTalk server: Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later. BizTalk Server 2002 requiring no clustering: Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 with SP2 BizTalk Server 2002 requiring clustering: SQL Server 2000
Related system components Internet Information Server (IIS):
Related system components Host Integration Server 2000: Through use of Host Integration Server 2000, BizTalk Server 2002 can add a great deal of value to a company that choose to continue using their legacy systems in the short term.
Coca-Cola Beverages ! to meet changing needs in the B2B ! reduce costs ! streamline process A central business platform is needed ! turned to Microsoft.NET Enterprise Servers ! built on BizTalk Server 2002
! facilitate performance improvements for the procurement process ! release resources through replacement of existing EDI converter ! open clearing centers to permit smaller partners and customers to include in the system Goal
Benefits ! Orders are sent to the servers quicker ! information about orders is available faster ! consistent XML support offers a foundation for future expansion ! new partners and customers can be integrated to the system
EDI ! receives orders from customers and partners through Electronic Data Interchange ! Business process such as procurement, accounting, payment, shipping can be implemented using EDI documents ! EDI translates the documents into EDIFACT or ANSI X.12-internationally recognized document format ! EDI system requires an exorbitant investment ! web-enabled EDI systems remove transactional costs
Products used ! Microsoft BizTalkserver 2002 ! Microsoft SQL server 2002 ! Host Integration server 2002
CCB clearing center orders EDI converter batched files 3 minutes CCB clearing center BizTalk Server orders XML Microsoft SQL server 2002 AS/400 Microsoft Host Integration server CCB clearing center XML orders BizTalk Server Flow Chart
Conclusion ! For companies to effectively manage their supply chain ! to gain an edge over their competition by maintaining an optimized supply chain ! ability to better track and manage business process ! potential solution for all companies supply chain management needs