1 TEEN CHALLENGE CORE VALUE 1 INTEGRITY T101.06 iteenchallenge.org 08-2009.


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Presentation transcript:


--Living and working with excellence 2 T iteenchallenge.org

3 1. What is integrity? a.Consistently doing what is right. b.Always doing right no matter what happens c.Wholeness, completeness, honesty, trustworthiness, and holding on to moral principles T iteenchallenge.org

4 2. What does integrity look like in your life? a.Integrity is a consistent trust in God. Job 2:3, 9, 10 b.Integrity is a consistent confession of sin. Psalm 41:4, 12 c.Integrity is a consistent living by the Word of God. Mark 12:14 d.Integrity is being consistently honest and trustworthy. Daniel 6:4 T iteenchallenge.org

5 3. Why is integrity so important ? a. Integrity pleases God. 1 Chronicles 29:17 b. Integrity protects you. Proverbs 10:9 c. Integrity gives you direction. Proverbs 11:3 T iteenchallenge.org

6 4. How do I develop integrity? a.Get to know God and His word. b.Trust God and His Word. c.Consistently follow the principles of God’s Word. Acts 4 d.Always be honest, and admit when you fail. e.Complete your commitments. f.Treat people with respect. T iteenchallenge.org

7 How do students from a background of addiction view integrity? 5. How do students from a background of addiction view integrity? a. Don’t expose others’ wrongs. b. Do cover up my wrongs. c. Don't trust anyone. d. Always do what is right for me. e. Real integrity is impossible. T iteenchallenge.org

8 6. How can you help your students develop integrity? a. Encourage them to listen to the Holy Spirit and the Bible. b. Urge them to confess their sin. c. Show them ways they can demonstrate integrity now. d. Help them trust God in difficult circumstances. e. Be an example of integrity. T iteenchallenge.org


For further study we recommend you read chapter 1, “Integrity,” in the book Our Core Values, by Dr. Jerry Nance (Available from Teen Challenge USA and Global Teen Challenge). 10 T iteenchallenge.org

Global Teen Challenge Training materials for this course are available at the following address: 11 T iteenchallenge.org