Semester 1, 2011
Christian Doctrine Semester 1, 2011
Week 7: The Humanity of Jesus Christ Week 8: The Deity of Jesus Christ
The Humanity of Jesus Christ Who is he? What sort of man is this? Matthew 16 Jesus asks: “Who do you say that I am?”
The Humanity of Jesus Christ “Who do you say that I am?” 1. Peter’s revelation leads to Jesus clarifying for them His own ministry - Suffering, death & resurrection 2. Peter’s revelation is a confession of faith Jesus is the Messiah Cf Romans 10:19 Christianity hinges on what we say about Jesus 3. Peter’s revelation of Jesus clarifies Peter’s call.
The Humanity of Jesus Christ Why is it important?
The Humanity of Jesus Christ It gives us confidence. Humanity is made in the image of God – Jesus Christ is the perfection of that image - His humanity affirms our humanity & - confirms God has a plan for humankind
The Humanity of Jesus Christ 1. His Conception & Birth Matthew 1:18 Jesus came from God A. Salvation came from God Salvation is the supernatural work of God Salvation does not come by human effort Galatians 4:4-5 B. Unity of full Deity & Full Humanity
The Humanity of Jesus Christ 2. His Human Mind & Body Human Mind - Luke 2:52 Human Body – Luke 2:40 He went through normal human development He participated in human activities Eating, worshipping, praying He experienced human condition - physically He was tired (John 4:6) He was thirsty (John 19:28) He was hungry (Matthew 4:2) He died …
The Humanity of Jesus Christ 2. His Human Mind & Body He was resurrected in a body (Luke 24:39) He ate with the disciples (Luke 24:42) BUT a resurrection body Not subject to death or decay The resurrection body ascended to heaven. Continuity of bodily to heavenly.
The Humanity of Jesus Christ 3. His Human Soul & Emotions Loved (John 13:23; 11:3; Mark 10:21) Joy (John 15:11; John 17:13; Heb 12:2) Compassion (Matthew 9:36; 14:14; 15:32; 20:34) “troubled” (John 12:27) “sorrowful” (Matthew 26:37-38) THESE ARE GODLY – NOT NECESSARILY HUMAN Prayed with cries and tears Astonished, marveled. Hebrews 5:8 He learned obedience through what he suffered…
The Humanity of Jesus Christ 4. His Sinlessness Sinfulness is NOT the normal human condition Adam & Eve were human before they sinned Satan tried for 40 days to tempt Him to sin Heb 4:25 – tempted in every way Yet He was without sin John 8:46 – no one could convict Him 2 Cor 5:21 – Him who knew no sin 1 Peter 1:19 – A lamb without spot or blemish
The Sinlessness of Jesus Is said or implied in Scripture Hebrews 4:15 Hebrews 7:26 Hebrews 9:14 John 6:69 1 Peter 2:22 1 John 3:5 2 Cor 5:21 Jesus declared he was righteous John 8:46 John 8:29 John 15:10 Jesus did not offer sacrifice for sin or ask forgiveness
Was Jesus fully human if He did not sin? Tempted in all things - Hebrews 4:15 God cannot be tempted! - James 1:13
Full Temptation Full Resistance
Sin is not the essence of true humanity – sinlessness is! Don’t measure His ‘sinfulness’ / humanity by ours Measure our humanity / sinfulness by His Ask: “Are we as human as Jesus?”
Christ’s Temptation Similar to Adam & Eve’s BUT more difficult! Adam & Eve had everything they needed - plenty Jesus was in lack Temptation was a test of obedience Tempted to take easy way out; please himself; show off Would have kept him from his mission Jesus did not use His Divine powers As a human he succeeded were Adam failed “2 nd Adam”
Human to be Messiah 1. Representative Obedience Romans 5: Cor 15:45 – “the last Adam”
Human to be Messiah 2. Substitute Sacrifice Hebrews 2:16-17 – made like us To make propitiation for our sins
Human to be Messiah 3. One Mediator between God and humankind 1 Timothy 2:5
Human to be Messiah 4. To fulfill God’s original purpose for man to rule Matthew 28:18
Human to be Messiah 5. To be our example and pattern in life 1 John 2:6 1 Peter 2:21 - Christ, who suffered for you, is your example. Follow in his steps.
Human to be Messiah 6. To be the pattern of our redeemed bodies 1 Cor 15: … as with the earthly man, so with the heavenly man…
Human to be Messiah 7. To be a sympathetic High Priest Hebrews 4:15 - … tempted in every way just as we are…
Jesus WAS Human Scripture repeatedly attests to Christ taking on flesh:- 1 Timothy 3:16 John 1:14 1 John 4:2-3a Hebrews 10:5 Galatians 4:4
Semester 1, 2011
Human to be Messiah We need him to have been human!
Early Heresies 1. Docetism 2. Appolinerianism 3. Nestorianism 4. Eutychianism 5. Adoptionism 6. Anhypostatic Christology 7. Kenoticism 8. Dynamic Incarnation
Basic tenets of this doctrine: 1. Not a loss, but an addition 2. Two natures did not function separately 3. Humanity is fully known in Christ 4. Initiative comes from above