1 UID/DLMS Migration Workshop, Washington DC, 9-10 March 04 DSS DLMS Migration Presented by Mr. Jeff Charlesworth Chief DLA Systems Integration Office, DSIO-U
2 Agenda Background on DSS and DLMS The DSS Approach to DLMS Challenges and Lessons Learned
3 Background Distribution Standard System (DSS) –Standard system performing wholesale logistics for the Defense Logistics Agency –Supports the mission of the Defense Distribution Center –Interacts with many DoD logistics systems including BSM, SAMMS, UICP, UADPS-2, LMP CCSS, AMCISS, D035K, LOGSA, FLIS, etc
4 Background Cont. Distribution Standard System (DSS) –Sends out approximately 1.5 million transaction per day –Receives approximately 500,000 transaction per day
5 DSS’s Need For DLMS Navy requested that DLA be able to receive, store and issue material by a Unique Item Identifier (UII/serial number) The size of this number is thirty positions, and needed to be recorded in transactions such as the Due In, Shipment Status, etc DLMS was the most viable solution
6 Preliminary Steps to DLMS Identified all MILs transactions Identified the DLMS equivalent Worked with DLMSO and the DLMSO Implementation Convention for data placement Worked with DAASC for Logical Data Maps
7 DAASC MILs Transactions DSS Entry MADS and MQ Series Files for DSS DSS Processing Outbound MILS transactions DAASC Former MILS Processing
8 DAASC DSS Inbound DLMS queue Route Transactions MQ Series Single X12 DLMS Transaction 527D 940R 856N Parse Data DFT and RDT Build PMRs DFT and RDT Feed to MRO Processing Build Receipt Info DFT and RDT DLMS Inbound Processing
9 Process Transactions X12 or XML? DSS Processes DLMS or MADS? DAASC Process as today MADS DLMS Store data on DFT/RDT 856S 945A 140B 527R 867I XML Outbound queue X12 Outbound queue Build 856S Build 945A Build 140B Build 527R Build 867I Build 947I 947I DAASC DLMS Outbound Processing
10 DAASC Routing to DLMS Customers? Convert to XML or X12. Convert to MILS DLMS Customer MILS Customer Yes No DAASC Processing
11 Challenges Planning Amount of Detail is Time Consuming Testing Presents Challenges Standardization of XML Implementation Convention
12 Lessons Learned Create a table driven DLMS/MILs On/Off Switch Detailed Requirements Analysis Upfront DLMSO and DAASC are key Trading Partner Coordination
13 DLSS Formats Converted
14 DLSS Formats Converted