Muon Endcap Alignment Software & Calibration February 2006 Muon Endcap Alignment Software & Calibration February 2006 Samir Guragain, Marcus Hohlmann Florida Tech USCMS EMU meeting – Florida Institute of Technology, Feb 17/18, 2006
2/18/2006 M. Hohlmann - EMU meeting at Florida Institute of Technology 2 ME Alignment System R-sensors Z-sensors Note: only small sample of analog sensors shown Clinometers Transfer plate DCOPS This figure featured in Physics TDR – Vol.1
2/18/2006 M. Hohlmann - EMU meeting at Florida Institute of Technology 3 Overview Analog sensor calibration Offline Alignment Software status –Input services for COCOA alignment fits Magnet Test & Cosmic Challenge –Report from CMS Software Readiness Review during recent CPT week –Manpower Planning
2/18/2006 M. Hohlmann - EMU meeting at Florida Institute of Technology 4 Calibration Update Calibration bench down for several weeks due to repeated problems with DAQ PC Resumed calibrations end of January All ME+ sensors to be used in Magnet Test & Cosmic Challenge were calibrated & shipped to FNAL Plan to finish all calibrations this month & ship
2/18/2006 M. Hohlmann - EMU meeting at Florida Institute of Technology 5 Calibration Progress Note: Each sensor is sub- jected to 5 calibration runs; sensors get remounted between runs Total in System Calibrations completed To do R-sensors84 (recent: ME±1, ±4) - (1ME-2 recalib.) Z-sens., potentiometers Z-sensors, lasers Clinometers48 - (6 spare) ME1 Proximity sensors 7236 ( ME+1 )36
2/18/2006 M. Hohlmann - EMU meeting at Florida Institute of Technology 6 Alignment Offline Data Structure & Flow Offline reco CSC data MUON TRACKS Optical & analog sensor raw data Optical & analog sensor calibration data COCOA: Alignment fits (now in CMSSW framework) COCOA OUT COCOA IN CSC “Alignment object” contains chamber offsets …Δx i Δy i Δz i Δα i Δ β i Δ γ i... Geometry of Alignment system Magnet-off Photogrammetry & Survey data Muon Trigger HLT, L1 POOL-ORA object ( Excel to ascii to POOL-ORA ) POOL-ORA object Event data wrapped in Root-tuple XML files As of Feb 2006 POOL-ORA object (directly or via ascii)
2/18/2006 M. Hohlmann - EMU meeting at Florida Institute of Technology 7 Update: Raw Sensor Data Optical & analog sensor raw data COCOA: Alignment fits (now in CMSSW framework) COCOA IN Event data wrapped in Root-tuple => Plan: Follow the lead of Barrel Alignment Group MB will help ME with programming: ME needs to specify raw data (Jim, Dave, Marcus) MB will provide ‘root wrapper’ Should be: Voltages for analog sensors Means and widths of Gaussian fits for DCOPS
2/18/2006 M. Hohlmann - EMU meeting at Florida Institute of Technology 8 Proposed format of Barrel Alignment raw data for MTCC 3 Branches: branch 1: measID,remark,start,end branch 2: measID, X,Y,sX,sY,ROImaxX,…,ROIminY,MAXADC,current,NBACQ,threshold,err,time branch 3:,T,RH,time Camera CMS coords (MABgap/MABsect/side/station,..) LED CMS coords (W/Sect/station/corner/LED,..) T/RH sensor CMS coords (MABgap/MABsect/side/station,..) 1 ROOT file for 1 set of measurement (measurement cycle) Integer (0=Outer, 1=Inner side) Integer (Error types 0, 1, 2, …) Integer (0=Outer, 1=Inner side) Char, goes to the end of the branch From Noemi Beni, student at Kossuth Lajos U., Debrecen (Feb 9. 06):
2/18/2006 M. Hohlmann - EMU meeting at Florida Institute of Technology 9 Update: Geometry COCOA: Alignment fits (now in CMSSW framework) COCOA IN Geometry of Alignment system XML files DONE: new COCOA version now in CMSSW; part of regular CMSSW releases (Pedro Arce) automatically converts old ascii geometry to new XML geometry files (Pedro) started testing this mechanism (MH) TO DO: define full ME alignment geometry in XML files (MH, Pedro Arce, Mike Case) test reading XML geometry into COCOA visualize alignment geometry in IGUANA; first attempt showed problems (MH, Mike) verify COCOA geometry against technical detector drawings
2/18/2006 M. Hohlmann - EMU meeting at Florida Institute of Technology 10 COCOA with DCOPS & Analog R-sensor (“distancemeter” object in COCOA) on inner chamber ME2-1 R-post (“distancetarget” object in COCOA) on outer chamber ME2-2 SLM center Z-sensor and Z-target on transfer plate COCOA: One SLM ( old style 3D visualization using VRMLview ) DCOPS ME 2 R-sensor (“distancemeter” object in COCOA) on outer chamber ME2-2
2/18/2006 M. Hohlmann - EMU meeting at Florida Institute of Technology 11 Update: Sensor Calibration Data Optical & analog sensor calibration data COCOA: Alignment fits (now in CMSSW framework) COCOA IN POOL-ORA object ( Excel to ascii to POOL-ORA ) DONE: defined scope of calibration data to be stored for 5 types of analog sensors (MH, Samir Guragain) devised MS Excel → ascii → POOL-ORA chain to create permanent POOL-ORA calibration objects in DB based on Fl. Tech calibration data (MH, Zhen Xie, Mike Case) DOING: filling analog POOL-ORA objects (SG) TO DO: repeat exercise for DCOPS (Dave, MH) read POOL-ORA into COCOA
2/18/2006 M. Hohlmann - EMU meeting at Florida Institute of Technology 12 Surveys COCOA: Alignment fits (now in CMSSW framework) COCOA IN Magnet-off Photogrammetry & Survey data POOL-ORA object (directly or via ascii) ?
2/18/2006 M. Hohlmann - EMU meeting at Florida Institute of Technology 13 Recent Software Readiness Self-Review during CPT week TaskStatusResponsibleComment/Projections DCOPS Sensor Calibration Database Not Started D. Eartly, M. Hohlmann Calibrations done; need to convert to Pool-Ora / ok? Analog Sensor Calibration Database StartedM. Hohlmann, M. Case, Z. Xie Have def’d ascii input files for Pool-Ora objects / ok ADC Calibration (EMLB Boards) Not started D. Eartly, M. Hohlmann Calibs done; need to imple- ment (where?) / Need help Geometry: XML implementation StartedP. Arce, M. Case Automatic conversion from existing Cocoa files / ok (?) Geometry: Check against CAD Not started M. Hohlmann D. Eartly Can start once done with sensor calibs / Need help Implementation of Survey data Not started D. EartlyNeed help
2/18/2006 M. Hohlmann - EMU meeting at Florida Institute of Technology 14 Readiness Review cont’d TaskStatusResponsibleComment/Projections Data Input Service to COCOA for fitting StartedM. Case, P. Arce Ok Output Service from COCOA fits to reco. Not Started M. Case, ?Need help IGUANA Visualization of COCOA results StartedM. Case, P. Arce, M. Hohlmann Ok, if initial tests work out as planned. Might need help from IGUANA experts A few general comments: In general, the ME al. group is quite short on manpower due to needs for commissioning the hardware M&O funding for FY06 will presumably not arrive at institutions, e.g. Fl. Tech, before March 06
2/18/2006 M. Hohlmann - EMU meeting at Florida Institute of Technology 15 Summary Readiness for MTCC – slide by Oliver Buchmuller SW & Framework development - “tight” but OK Most important: Need to close the loop with Sub-detector community Faster Feedback - start testing! SW & DB Barrel/Link - “tight” Most important: Need to pick up developed SW, start testing, people involved have hardware & SW responsibilities SW & DB EndCap - on (very) critical path for MTCC Most important: We (CMS) need to find a way to support the activity ASAP - How?
2/18/2006 M. Hohlmann - EMU meeting at Florida Institute of Technology 16 Team for Magnet test & Cosmic Challenge Onsite at CERN: –Vladimir Sknar (PNPI) → full-time for 3 mos. –Samir Guragain (Fl. Tech) → full-time for ~4 mos. applying for visas now exact arrival at CERN unclear because M&O funds are very slow in coming from FNAL… (hoping for early to mid-March) –Valeri Sytnik (Riverside) → “best effort” on Analog R/O –Dave Eartly (FNAL) → brief periods –Jim Bellinger (Wisconsin) → brief period for DCOPS R/O Offsite: –Fl. Tech (MH, half-time grad student, s/w consultant) –FNAL, Wisconsin, …