WorkCover. Watching out for you. Review of the NSW Workplace Health and Safety Strategy Chris Jones A/Manager - Strategic Projects Unit WorkCover NSW
WorkCover. Watching out for you. NSW Workplace Safety Summit 2005 Over 250 people attended the NSW Workplace Safety Summit 2005 in Orange in August last year. Nine industry groups worked together with the intention of: Reviewing information about significant areas of safety risk Identifying priority safety issues Developing strategies for addressing these priority issues Agreeing on targets and benchmarks to support these prevention strategies.
WorkCover. Watching out for you. NSW Workplace Health and Safety Strategy In response to the recommendations arising from the Summit, the NSW Government released the Strategy. The Strategy describes how employers, employees and Government can work together to: Provide healthier working environments Reduce the incidence and cost of work related injury and illness.
WorkCover. Watching out for you. The Industry Action Plans The recommendations of Safety Summit delegates are expressed in the Industry Action Plans, which are published in the second section of the Strategy. There is an Industry Action Plan for each of nine industry groups: -Construction -Consumer and business services and private education -Public sector -Health and community services -Manufacturing -Mining and utilities -Retail and wholesale -Rural -Transport
WorkCover. Watching out for you. NSW Workplace Health and Safety Strategy Review Committee The Industry Action Plans are reviewed by a Manufacturing Industry Action Plan Working Group. The Working Group is chaired by John Watson (General Manager of WorkCover’s OHS Division), and includes representatives from: National Union of Workers) Australian Manufacturing Workers Union) Plastics and Chemicals Industry Association Australian Industry Group Textile Footwear and Clothing Union Australian Steel Institute
WorkCover. Watching out for you. Priority Issues Each of the Industry Action Plans consists of a number of Priority Issues. The Priority Issues for the Manufacturing Industry Action Plan are: Manual handling Noise reduction Safety culture Safe design Chemical and substance (air quality) exposure Transient workers Outworkers
WorkCover. Watching out for you. Manual handling Manual Handling Summit Response Program Fabricated metals industry working party Manual handling in the red meat industry Workplace Improvement Strategies Wood products manufacturing industry HWSA: Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing industry Printing industry Australian Paint Manufacturers Federation code of practice for identifying the weight in paint cans.
WorkCover. Watching out for you. Noise reduction Noise management in the construction industry Noise: Management and protection of hearing at work Code of Practice
WorkCover. Watching out for you. Safety Culture Serious about Safe Business kit Manufacturing IRG project PACIA provides the Plascare safety systems AIG project to improve the effectiveness of the consultation working arrangements NSW Business Chamber training workshops on risk assessment and consultation.
WorkCover. Watching out for you. Safe Design ASCC Guidance on the Principles of Safe Design for Work, educator resources for engineering students, and other resources. WorkCover’s Plant Priority Program Plant position papers
WorkCover. Watching out for you. Chemical exposure Control of Workplace Hazardous Substances Code of Practice Intervention projects in the wood manufacturing, fabricated metal and machinery and equipment manufacturing sectors HWSA campaign in the boat building and repair sector PACIA resources and codes of practice AMWU resources Australian Paint Manufacturers Federation participation on NICNAS / Industry Consultancy Group.
WorkCover. Watching out for you. Transient workers Fact sheets for labour hire agencies and host employers WorkCover / AMWU discussions about options Recruitment and Consulting Services Association (RCSA) online induction training system HWSA intervention campaign aimed at implementing a national model for jurisdictional application of OHS obligations
WorkCover. Watching out for you. Outworkers Provide input into the review of the OHS Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 to remove “employer workplace” restrictions regarding outworkers.