LIGA Youth PERC Youth Conference Vienna, November 2013 Adrienn Hangonyi
Founded in 2009 by young trade unionists of affiliated unions of LIGA Trade Unions to represent special interest of the youth General assembly (GA) gathers every year and every second year the GA elects the 5 members of the presidium of which one is the president. Presidium members must be under the age of 35 GE decides on the LIGA Youth program & budget and accepts the Terms of reference and the annual report Any young member under the age 35 years from any affiliated union of LIGA Trade Unions can join LIGA Youth free of charge if they accept our the aims of the Terms of reference LIGA Youth structure
* Creating platform for young unionists to exchange their experiences * Organising trainings 2-3 times/ year (organising, communication, democracy & trade union values) * Young trade unionist leaders course (3*3 days training) LIGA Youth Activities I.
* LIGA Youth Summer Camp Every year at the Lake Balaton * Company visits – „Learn about my profession” * Team building activities: Sausage festival, Survival camp LIGA Youth Activities II.
Joining ITUC/ ETUC Action Days * 28 April: Workers Memorial Day * 7 October: WDDW * ETUC Demonstrations LIGA Youth Activities III.
Promotion of recruitment and organisation of young workers in unions by Developing curriculum for secondary school students on trade unions and the „World of work” Establishment of FÉSZ (Trade Union for Youth) In line with the strategy of LIGA Trade Unions, start recruitment in a new field: SME (voluntary network) Developing new communication platforms: network of organisers share experiences (facebook group) Developing new services: insurance, free legal advice, holiday services, discounts, mobile services LIGA Youth Renewal/ Recruitment Strategy
Co-operation with the youth of other Hungarian trade union confederations (common declarations, actions) Recruitment at work exhibitions/ festivals Promotion of establishment of youth structures of our affiliated unions (lobby) LIGA Youth Renewal/ Recruitment Strategy
We make our voices heard! LIGA Congress: 2013 December LIGA Youth observer group at the Congress LIGA Youth should become a Committee with stronger legal rights – Amendment in LIGA’s Statute President of LIGA Youth should become a full member of the LIGA presidium with voting rights (15 members) LIGA Trade Unions’ Statute should promote active participation in youth issues (Statute amendment) Promoting LIGA Youth’s better participation and involvement in LIGA Trade Union’s decision making - Proposals
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