Tusculum College School of Business
Tusculum College Program is: –Approved…Regionally by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools –Flexible & cost competitive… $275 per credit hour/$825 per course –Financial aid available
Tusculum College Who are our Students Typically, Our students: –are working adults. –are mid-career professionals. –are in their mid-to-late 30s in age. –bring many professional and personal experiences with them into the classroom. –look for and expect convenience, service, and quality in the educational experiences for which they (or their employers) are paying.
Tusculum College Our Work & Our Tools Our work is educating adult students. Our tools are whatever resources we can draw upon to help adult students accomplish their educational goals.
Tusculum College Masters of Arts in Organizational Management 36 hour program All courses are six weeks long (3 credit hours) Classes meet one night a week for four hours Utilize learning teams that meet an additional four hours per week No prerequisites Approaches administration and management from a broad perspective
Tusculum College Admission Requirements: Bachelor degree from a regionally accredited college or university. –No specific undergraduate field of study. No GMAT or GRE
Tusculum College Admission Requirements: Undergraduate GPA (last 60 hours) –3.0 or higher – regular admission. –2.75 to 2.99 – conditional admission with requirement that a grade of at least “B” is earned in each of the first three courses of program. –2.50 to 2.74 – graduate committee approval. If given, conditional admission with requirement that a grade of at least “B” is earned in each of the first three courses of program.
Tusculum College MAOM Mission Our values- and ethics-based educational experience focuses on providing working adults with contemporary knowledge and its practical application that benefits the students, their organizations, and society. The program empowers students by further developing their abilities to lead responsibly, act with confidence, make ethical decisions, manage strategically, communicate effectively, employ critical and creative analysis, and lead organizational change.
Tusculum College Completion Gives Students Knowledge and Tools to: Lead responsibly –by drawing upon your own unique leadership abilities, experiences, and goals as well as current leadership concepts, theories, and strategies for dealing with a variety of people and organizational issues. Act with confidence –by utilizing self-reflection and awareness to know why, when, and how to lead, follow, model, and mentor.
Tusculum College Completion Gives Students Knowledge and Tools to: Make ethical decisions –by courageously confronting ethical challenges and applying ethical decision-making tools to workplace dilemmas. Manage strategically –by enabling an organization to analyze its operating environment, envision its future, and develop strategic objectives and by managing people, processes, and resources effectively and ethically.
Tusculum College Completion Gives Students Knowledge and Tools to: Communicate effectively –by capitalizing on your personal strengths as a communicator and by employing appropriate strategies for influencing, motivating, advocating, team building, and managing conflict. Employ critical and creative analysis –by applying tools of analysis to identify problems, generate creative, pragmatic solutions to solve them, implement appropriate actions, and evaluate their success.
Tusculum College Completion Gives Students Knowledge and Tools to: Understand and lead organizational change –by working with others to assess a group’s culture, roles, structure, local environment, and global context so as to anticipate, recognize, and resolve organizational problems.
Tusculum College Masters of Arts in Organizational Management Curriculum –MGMT 501 Organizational effectiveness –MGMT 502 Leading groups and teams –MGMT 504 Developing organizational intelligence –MGMT 505 Organizational behavior –MGMT 513 Economics for managers –MGMT 507 Strategic human resource management
Tusculum College Masters of Arts in Organizational Management Curriculum (cont’d) –MGMT 509 Managerial finance –MGMT 521 Leadership practice and skills –MGMT 506 Applied marketing management –MGMT 518 Legal environment of organizations –MGMT 523Entrepreneurial thinking for managers –MGMT 515 Challenges and trends in Management
Tusculum College Masters of Arts in Organizational Management Topics woven throughout the program –Ethics –Strategic thinking –Global/international considerations –Forecasting –Communications –Action research
Tusculum College MBA OR MAOM? MBA has an emphasis on BUSINESS specializations such as: –Accounting –Finance –Sales –Marketing –Economics Preparation for people pursuing Staff Positions
Tusculum College MBA OR MAOM? (cont’d) MAOM is program for professionals and managers in business, non-profits, and government agencies Emphasis on competencies needed to successfully work in and LEAD any type of organization Fills a need for advanced people and organizational skills
Tusculum College Educational Success What you can do to make your experience successful: –Approach the learning experience with an open mind –Expect to earn your grade –Set Challenging goals for your learning and periodically evaluate your progress –Create a personalized study plan –Actively participate in class activities
Tusculum College Educational Success…. –Expect your ideas to be challenged; be prepared to support them with facts, research evidence, and judgment –Respect differences and opposing views; treat others with respect and civility –Enter the learning environment appropriately prepared for each session –Reflect on you own thinking, learning, and prior experience –Communicate, Communicate, Communicate…..
Tusculum College Staying on Track 3.0 overall GPA Attendance policy –Missing more than one-third of a course results in an automatic “F” for the course –Missing more than 5 nights of class in a semester or 10 nights in the program results in academic suspension for six moths
Tusculum College Cost Tuition per Credit Hour$ Estimated (per course) Textbook Cost$ Technology Fee per Semester$ –Max $ per year Graduation Fee$ No Hidden Fees
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