Team Building
Features of Successful Teams Strong and effective leadership Precise objectives Informed decisions Free communication Clear targets Right balance of people Above all- members must be prepared to work together for common good of the team
Analysing Team Tasks 3 basic methods of performing a task Repetitive tasks- each member has a fixed role- assembly lines Projects that require some creative input- work in unison. New product development Work that demands constant creative input and personal contribution requires people to work very closely as partners. Sr Mgrs
Working towards understanding Encouraging open communication and the flow of information within a team ensures that each member is fully aware of the talents and experiences available with in a group.
Team Goals Once a team has been formed, the next major step is to establish its goals. Working together with customers to build closer relationships so that the needs of the market can be better understood.
Choosing Team Members One of the secrets of successful team leadership is matching the skills of team members carefully to the type of task they are required to perform. People from different disciplines or Specialist knowledge Match roles to personality rather than attempting to show horn the personality into the role. The collective ability to innovate is stronger than that of the individual
Assessing Leadership Qualities Communication Result focused TL Self Belief Vision Visibility Commitment Courage Integrity
A true team leader Facilitates Implements Inspires Lateral thinking Motivation Hard work Decisions Making Decisions Let people compete with ideas not egos Achieve a positive atmosphere
Key roles with the team Team leader Critic Implementer External contact Coordinator Ideas Person Inspector
Shrimal Jayathilake Bsc. HNDE,