Donors – 2008 Sector for Development SMEE
1.Support to development of the Business Incubator in Vojvodina and Southeast Serbia Overall objective Generate new enterprises and job creation through development of sustainable business incubator support infrastructure in the Republic of Serbia; Activity 0: Preparation & establishment; Activity 1: Stabilisation; Activity 2: Growth & commercialisation; Activity 3: Sustainability; Duration – 36 months Budget – Euro Possible donors – ADA Austria
2. Support to development of the Business Incubator in West Serbia Overall objective: Generate new enterprises and job creation through development of sustainable business incubator support infrastructure in the Republic of Serbia; Results: At least 30 companies supported and 100 jobs created by incubator during 3 years period; At least 10 matchmaking between tenants and Swiss companies facilitated; Duration – 36 months Budget – Euro Possible donors – SDC Switzerland
3. Institutional Building for the Department for SMEE, within the Ministry of Economy and the Agency for SMEE Development Overall objective: To generate new jobs, new enterprises and increase competitiveness through development of national institutions for s upport to the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Republic of Serbia; Activities: (Result 1: Increased capacities of the Department for SMEE) Activities: (Result 2: Increased capacities of the Agency for SMEE) Activities: (Result 3: Training and Study Tour for the Agency for SMEE and Department for SMEE organized) Activities: (Result 4: Necessary equipment provided and IT system upgraded) Duration – 24 months Budget – Euro Possible donors – SIDA Sweden
4. ENTRANSE 2008 Overall objective: Generate new jobs, new enterprises and increase competitiveness through development of entrepreneurs, enterprises and SME institutions in the Republic of Serbia; Activities: Commercialization and Industrialization of Business Activities; Securing implementation of the Programme for Business Incubators and Cluster Development in Republic of Serbia, ; Mentoring, Monitoring and Evaluation of the “Cluster Development Project”; Innovation and Increase Competitiveness: Designing Technology Transfer Programme, Support to IRC/EIC Duration – 12 months Donors – Norwegian Ministries for Foreign Affairs
5. Business Incubator Support Center 2008 Overall objective: Support and develop the infrastructure for entrepreneurship (establishing business incubators, developing training concept), to contribute to competence and capacity building, strengthening skills of Serbian Agency for SMEE and to provide support to the entrepreneurs; Activity 1: Capacity and institutional strengthening of the Business Incubator Support Centre within the Agency Activity 2: Screening of the existing situation and the status of business incubators Need assessment of management teams Designing the standardized training methodology for management teams Designing the criteria and selection for the list of trainers and Training of Trainers Designing business support services for tenants and entrepreneurial population in the region Activity 3: Organizing meetings with donors Analysis of the sources of finance both on the international, national and regional level Activity 4: Ensure commitment of all relevant stakeholders in the operation of business incubators Budget – Euro
6. Pilot project on “Support to establishment of student enterprises in vocational schools in Serbia” Overall objective: Initiate the development of entrepreneurial environment in the secondary and higher technical vocational schools, through encouraging and qualifying young people for further personal development, professional improvement and career development: Activity 1: Training of teachers Activity 2: Training of students in secondary and higher technical vocational schools Activity 3: Establishment of student enterprises in secondary and higher technical vocational schools Activity 4: Defining of optimal model for consolidation of partnership arrangements between Government / Business Sector / NGO sector / Secondary and higher technical vocational schools Activity 5: Initiation of legislative changes Duration – 24 months Budget – Euro Possible donors – SPARK Holland
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