Climate Technology Centre and Network CTCN CTCN Update
Climate Technology Centre and Network CTCN Current Status: an Overview Current status of the CTCN - MoU and legal arrangements - Location - Administrative and programmatic issues - Funding - Knowledge Management
Climate Technology Centre and Network CTCN Legal Arrangements CTCN MoU:UNFCCC host selection made official at COP 18; UNFCCC ES authorized to sign MoU on behalf of parties UNEP GC/27.10 : UNEP ED authorized to sign MoU on behalf of UNEP Document signed at UNEP Governing Council on 22 Feb 2013 CTC location:new UN building in Copenhagen costs covered by Danish Government Host Country Agreement being concluded
Climate Technology Centre and Network CTCN CTC Staffing Combination of UNEP and UNIDO staff; seconded personnel possible HR / recruitment process underway - Director position advertised end-April - Other positions in process; advertised mid-May: - two Climate Technology Managers - Communications and Knowledge Manager - Network and Capacity Building Manager - Fund Management Officer (financial) - support staff
Climate Technology Centre and Network CTCN Advisory Board Advisory Board not yet fully constituted First meeting scheduled for May in Copenhagen; open to observers Agenda: - election of chair and vice-chair - adoption of operational modalities and rules of procedure - Operational modalities of the CTCN -Programme of Work, Timing of subsequent meetings to be determined by the Advisory Board
Climate Technology Centre and Network CTCN National Designated Entities NDE notifications underway - requested by UNFCCC Secretariat; due 29 March Regional expert dialogues planned - one anticipated before SBI 38 (June) - NDEs to be involved Good NDEs essential for a well functioning CTCN Some sort of training programme for NDEs might be advantageous
Climate Technology Centre and Network CTCN CTCN Funding Funding:- European Commission - €5 million (~$6.5 million) - Denmark – DKK 30 million (~$5.2 million) - Canada – $2.5 million - discussions underway with Norway, Switzerland, USA, and Japan GEF:- discussions pursuant to COP guidance MDBs:- discussions on GEF-funded regional projects; excellent cooperation with ADB A financial mechanism to mobilize sufficient, sustained, and predictable resources is needed
Climate Technology Centre and Network CTCN Other Updates - Organizations approaching UNEP and other consortium members expressing an interest in being part of the Network - Some countries seeking assistance with selecting their NDE - Exploring potential areas of collaboration with the GEF and DNV (second- and third-ranked proponents for hosting the CTC) as per COP decisions / guidance - Three day meeting of all consortium partners took place; group worked on structural arrangements, operational details, workflow. etc.
Climate Technology Centre and Network CTCN CTCN Knowledge Management System - Up-to-date, easily accessible “library” of information on technology availability, costs, and performance; policies; and financing - Captures experiences and results of technology cooperation activities to achieve continuous learning and improvements to knowledge - Collects, analyzes, and communicates CTCN results and lessons and gathers feedback from CTCN stakeholders and partners - Facilitates on-line training, peer-to-peer exchange, and provision of expert advice - Provides matchmaking of country requests with existing international programmes - Shares information on current CTCN activities and results - Enables internal tracking and evaluation of CTCN activities
Climate Technology Centre and Network CTCN What is the CTCN?
Climate Technology Centre and Network CTCN Mission: to stimulate technology cooperation and to enhance the development and transfer of technologies and to assist developing country Parties at their request VISION
Climate Technology Centre and Network CTCN Main functions: Managing requests and responses in the technology cycle; Fostering collaboration to accelerate technology transfer; Strengthening networks, partnerships and capacity building for technology development and transfer Supported by broad outreach and awareness activities, as well as knowledge management FUNCTIONS
Climate Technology Centre and Network CTCN Lean Core Centre co-managed by UNEP and UNIDO, with technical resource pool from consortium partners Projects tendered to Network members as appropriate STRUCTURE Core Centre
Climate Technology Centre and Network CTCN ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Regional Teams Asia Pacific Africa LAC West Asia
Climate Technology Centre and Network CTCN OUR STRENGHTS breadth and depth of expertise and experience in: -adaptation and mitigation, for all steps of the technology cycle -specific technology subject areas - geographic coverage and ability to identify and be sensitive to cultural differences
Climate Technology Centre and Network CTCN OUR SERVICES Capacity building Technical support and advice for the identification of technology needs Technical assistance for the implementation of environmentally sound technologies Facilitate technology cooperation Catalyze private and public investment Disseminate best practices on technology transfer
Climate Technology Centre and Network CTCN OUR responses to NDE requests
Climate Technology Centre and Network CTCN DELIVERY APPROACH
Climate Technology Centre and Network CTCN Work Flow Diagram – CTC Process G CTC Climate Technology Manager -Receive, log and screen request - Prioritize and approve request - Form appropriate expert team from Technical Resource Pool CTC Expert Team - Refine request - Prepare response plan Network - Procurement of Network member by Climate Technology Manager - Prepare response NDEs / Requestor Questions / Clarifications Request refinement Quick Response Response (via CTC)