APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® CDC Strategy Acronyms CDC (Chapter Development Committee) CDL (Chapter Development Leader) (One representing each Region and Appointed by the Region VP) CDC Composition
APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® Vision: “To Be the Premier Source of Development Support for Chapters and Regions” Mission: “Adding Value to Chapters and Regions Performance” Slogan: “Chapters and Regions Success, Society Welfare”
APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® Scope Have the Detailed High Level Project Plan done by January 2004 Obtain chapter input by March 2004 Finish the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) and Start Executing the Strategy (Implementation Plan) in April 2004
APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® CDC Strategy Goals Support and Enhance the New APICS Strategy. Grow Market Share, and help Customers and Members meet their Customer’s needs (“Customer Success”) Develop Stronger Current Chapters, and Modify Current Charter Rules to Obtain Better New Incoming Chapters, and current chapters, to Leverage Society and Vice versa. Enhance a Coalition between CDL’s, Chapters, Regions, Staff, and Society Enhance Synergies between Chapters, Regions, CDL’s, Staff, and Society. Review the current CDC and CDL model and propose different scenarios with pros/cons that each one has. Obtain tangible Results in Chapters, and CDL’s Improvement, VOC process, Product Development, Distribution (Materials and Services Sales), Membership, and, Brand and Image Strategic Priorities, with the help of other parties involved in these strategic priorities. Have a CDC Process and work with all the parties involved, in the development of the new APICS Membership Strategy Measure, and make accountable all key players. (Chapters, CDL’s, Regions, Staff, and CDC)
APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® CDC Strategy Steps Identify CDL’s Identify key Staff Players Put together a Team Do a Chapter survey to obtain goals and objectives. Incorporate, survey results in the CDC Strategy. Analyze and Develop a Plan, that links with the APICS Strategy, and the APICS Implementation Plan. Review Money Resource Requirements and Secure them (Budget) Develop CDL’s/Chapters tactical implementation plans to help support the CDC strategic plan. Identify key short and long term deliverables, to gain confidence. Start the WBS Appoint Project Teams as Needed
APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® VOC Wants and Needs Direction and Support Chapters CDL’s/Regions CDC BOD CDC Overall Strategic and Tactical Plan
APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® CDC VOCC BOKC BOD Regions/CDL’s, and Region Staff Chapters Society Staff CDC Project Teams (VLW, TEAM, etc) Society’s Strategy Implementation Plan Strong and Direct Relationship Indirect Relationship CDC Detailed Strategic and Tactical Plan
APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® High Level Measurements Qualitative (CDC Control) Chapters, Regions, BOD and Staff Satisfaction with CDC CDC Members Satisfaction Quantitative (CDC Control) Percentage of Chapters in Compliance with Standards Passport Compliance (Percentage of chapters (Applying, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum)) Training Results CDC Budget Performance Quantitative (Overall APICS Organization with CDC) Membership Increase and Retention Materials Sold by Chapters Conference Attendance Increase Certification Testing Increase
APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® CDC Main Processes Chapter Training Membership Strategy Chapter Standards Management Tools Communication Sales and Marketing
APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® CDC Survey Results CDC met on May 15 Reviewed Findings –Information regarding length of volunteer service –Why volunteer –Promotion Methods Word of Mouth Newsletter Chapter Web site Company Coordinator –Information regarding Region support
APICS. LIFELONG LEARNING FOR LIFETIME SUCCESS ® Financial Perspective Customer Needs and Expectations Effective & Efficient Processes Competencies Development Flexibility & Service Flexibility & Service Curricular Value Curricular Value Quality of Resources (Materials, Instructors, Facilities, Time Schedules) Quality of Resources (Materials, Instructors, Facilities, Time Schedules) Quantitative Benefit Quantitative Benefit Information & Communication Information & Communication Customized Membership and Materials Customized Membership and Materials Value Added Deliverables Net-Revenue to Support Growth Net-Revenue to Support Growth Membership (Sub-Processes) Vision Events Planning, Team Building, Events Planning, Team Building, QFD, Customer Service QFD, Customer Service TTT, LDI, Engineering Change Process TTT, LDI, Engineering Change Process Marketing, SO&RP & Finances Marketing, SO&RP & Finances Project & Change Management, Volunteers Work Project & Change Management, Volunteers Work Code of Values And Ethics Code of Values And Ethics MBO, TQM MBO, TQM Customer Service Customer Service Marketing and Sales Chapter Development Inventory Reduction Improved Customer Service Customers and Enterprises Improvement Waste Reduction PDCA, Value Added PDCA, Value Added Customers, Members and Chapters Success, Increase Market Share CDC Purpose BOK Brand Name BOK Brand Name Recognition & Networking Recognition & Networking Events Planning, Communication Sales and Marketing Improved Quality Profitability Training (Sub-Processes) Management Tools Instruction, PDM’s, Membership, Testing Instruction, PDM’s, Membership, Testing Regions Society Staff VLW Presidents Training TEAM Resources Logistics Joint Marketing and Publicity “Rainmakers”Customized C-Manuals Passport s Web Page News Letter Qualified Instructor with BOKC Speaker’s List Data Quality Chapter Standards Incoming Current Webinars