Success Training Part 1 Check Your ID
Career Personal Development Relationships
Career Personal Development Relationships List five things for each quadrant that you could do to better your life.
Steps to a Better Life Check Your ID Create Your Vision Develop Your Travel Plan Master the Rules of the Road Step into the Outer Limits Pilot the Seasons of Change Build Your Dream Team Win by a Decision Commit to Your Vision
Check Your ID
Reality Check – Who are you? What are three characteristics that may be holding you back from being more successful in your life? ◦1 ◦2 ◦3 What has been the biggest challenge in your life so far?
Reality Check – Who are you? Take a look on year down the road. What kind of person do you see yourself being? Imagine that you see yourself walking down a hallway. Describe yourself—not just in physical terms, but in terms of the features stand the talents that are beginning to shine.
Overcoming Obstacles Name any obstacles that keep you from being the “real you” or that keep you from doing what you want to do or being what you want to do. What are ways around your obstacles? Don’t fall into the trap of thinking there is no way around them. Expand on your Success Circles.
The Three C’s ConfidenceCompetenceCapability
I am… I am confident in (or when)… I am competent in (or at)… I am capable of (or at)… When you’re not feeling confident or competent or capable, what are things you might do or thoughts you might have that can help you turn a negative into a positive?
- Christopher Robin to Pooh