MEGAPROJECT Case Study Case compiled by: Agnieszka Łukasiewicz Contact details: tel
MEGAPROJECT Case Study Basic Project Information Case compiled by: Agnieszka Łukasiewicz Contact details: Project TitleMotorway A2 LocationGerman/Polish border – Nowy Tomyśl Purposeconnects Poland with the network of European motorways ScopePart of A2 motorway from Polish/German border to one of main Polish cities – Poznań Part of Route E30 (Cork/IE – Omsk/Ru) Part of TEN-T 2nd corridor Total Project Value1,300 mln € Project Status (i.e.. initiation, planning, construction, operation, dismantling) Operation Contractual Framework ( e.g. fixed price, cost-plus etc. )Fixed price Relevant Physical Dimensions (e.g. height, width, volume, length) km, 6 interchanges, 35 passages for big and medium animals, 71 passages for small animals, protective barriers for bats etc. SECTION 1 - BASIC PROJECT INFORMATION
Stakeholder CategoryCase-Study Comments (e.g. maturity, previous experiences of stakeholders, skills, influence on project) Internal Supply-SideClientAutostrada Wielkopolska II SA concessionaire, side of PPP agreement Financiers Subordinated Investment (388 mln €) Commercial Loans (186 mln € BBVA S.A., Bank Pekao S.A., BRE Bank S.A., Caja Madrid, Calyon, Deutsche Bank AG, Espirito Santo Investment, KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH, PKO BP, Societe Generale, WestLB) European Investment Bank (958 mln €) SponsorsMinister of Infrastructure Client’s Customers Client’s Owners 1. Kulczyk Holding S.A 2. Meridiam A2 West S a.r.l. 3. Strabag AG 4. KWM Investment GmbH Other internal supply- side categories ( please specify) CategoryCase-Study General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways Central road administration authority for issues related to the national road system MEGAPROJECT Internal Stakeholder Identification (Stakeholders with a direct legally sanctioned relationship with the project) SECTION 2 - PROJECT STAKEHOLDERS
Demand Side)Principal ContractorA2strada sp. z o.o. Company owned by Kulczyk Holding SA and Strabag AG First Tier ContractorsScott WilsonEngineer Second Tier Consultants AECOM Traffic and Revenue Study Professional Services Providers Autostrada Eksploatacja SA an operating company acting subject to an agreement with the Concessionaire, Autostrada Wielkopolska S.A. Other internal supply- side categories ( please specify) CategoryCase-Study SECTION 2 - PROJECT STAKEHOLDERS MEGAPROJECT Internal Stakeholder Identification (Stakeholders with a direct legally sanctioned relationship with the project)
Stakeholder CategoryCase-Study Comments (e.g. maturity, previous experiences of stakeholders, skills, influence on project) External PublicRegulatory AgenciesGeneral Directorate for National Roads and Motorways Local GovernmentWielkopolska County, Lubuskie County National Government Minister of Infrastrucuture Minister of the Environment Other internal supply-side categories ( please specify) CategoryCase-study PrivateLocal residents Local LandownersPrivate landowners EnvironmentalistsPracownia na rzecz wszystkich istot NGO monitored all aspects of planning new route, especially influence on Natura 2000 areas and animal migration patterns Conservationists ArchaeologistsAdama Mickiewicza University in Poznan Other External Private stakeholders (please specify) CategoryCasestudy Drivers and passengers in general MEGAPROJECT External Stakeholder Identification SECTION 2 - PROJECT STAKEHOLDERS (Stakeholders with a direct interest in the project but with no legal contract)
SECTION 2 -PROJECT STAKEHOLDERS MEGAPROJECT Stakeholder Relationship Maps Name of Actor Description of relationship Repeat this map for as many project phases as you require Key: - Project Actor - Project relationship with a contractual basis - Non-contractual project relationship Description of relationship
SECTION 2 - PROJECT STAKEHOLDERS MEGAPROJECT External Stakeholder Attitude Analysis External StakeholderExternal Stakeholder’s Attitude to this Project External Stakeholder’s Influence on project Impact of Project on External Stakeholder Phase of Project of Greatest Interest (initiation, planning, construction, operation, dismantling) Ministry of InfrastructureFavourable – although sometimes depended of governing party Very highNegotiations: Price of buiding 1km (9.6 m. €), Rates for users, Other conditions Initiation, operating General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways Favourable – mostly depended on government’s decisions HighControling role of road administration All Ministry of EnvironmentConcerning about effects on environment, especialy Natura 2000 areas Very highHigh requirtements of environment protection (1/4 of the whole value of the project was allocated on environment protection) Initiation, planning European CommisionFavourableHighNotification of Natura 2000 project’s influence Initiation, planning UEFAVery FavourableVery highDecision about Euro 2012 in Poland and Ukraine. Acceleration of decision making process about the project. Initiation
SECTION 2 - PROJECT STAKEHOLDERS MEGAPROJECT External Stakeholder Attitude Analysis External StakeholderExternal Stakeholder’s Attitude to this Project External Stakeholder’s Influence on project Impact of Project on External Stakeholder Phase of Project of Greatest Interest (initiation, planning, construction, operation, dismantling) Local govermentsFavourableLimitedImproving local flow of traffic Initiation, planning Pracownia na rzecz wszystkich istot Worried about environment HighMonitoring all aspects of influence the project on environment Initiation, planning, construction
MEGAPROJECT Project Management Project Organisation - Needed an interview with the project manager Client Project Team Size & Structure Contractor Project Team Size and Structure Sub-Contractor Project Team Involvement Project Tools and Techniques - Needed an interview with the project manager Please √ if present, x if absent, leave blank if unknown Life-Cycle Costing Approaches □ Stakeholder Involvement □ Building Information Modelling (BIM) □ Project Management Software □ Relationship Management Tools □ Project Knowledge Management Tools □ Lessons Learnt Transfers □ Team Building Tools □ Competency framework □ Other Tools and Techniques or More Information SECTION 3 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT
Risk Management ProcessesPresent (describe below) □Not Present □ No Information □ HR Management ProcessesPresent (describe below) □Not Present □ No Information □ Procurement Management ProcessesPresent (describe below) □Not Present □ No Information □ Integration Management ProcessesPresent (describe below) □Not Present □ No Information □ Scope Management ProcessesPresent (describe below) □Not Present □ No Information □ Time Management ProcessesPresent (describe below) □Not Present □ No Information □ Cost Management ProcessesPresent (describe below) □Not Present □ No Information □ Quality management ProcessesPresent (describe below) □Not Present □ No Information □ Communications Management Processes Present (describe below) □Not Present □ No Information □ Project Processes - Needed an interview with the project manager SECTION 3 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT
MEGAPROJECT Project Performance Aspects of Performance Concerned with Doing the Project Right Original Targets and changes to targets Actual Achievements Against Targets Performance relating to timeThe first plan was 2006 for finalising the project. Legal changes and long lasting negotiations caused 5 yrs delay. After starting the construction process it lasted 6 months less than it was planned. Performance relating to cost6.1 m. per building 1 km9.6 m. per building 1 km Performance related to achieving specification There wasn’t an issue of Natura 2000 areas. Need to change the whole enviromnmental protection specification. All targets concerning natural environment protection were achieved, 25% of the project’s value was spent on environment protection. SECTION 4 - PROJECT PERFORMANCE
Aspects of Performance Concerned with Doing the Right Project Stakeholder or Stakeholder Grouping Original Aims of Project Involvement and Changes to these Aims Achievement of these Aims EC, Pracownia na rzecz wszystkich istot (extremely important environmental issues) There wasn’t an issue of Natura 2000 areas. Need to change the whole enviromnmental protection specification. All targets concerning natural environment protection were achieved, 25% of the project’s value was spent on environment protection. SECTION 4 - PROJECT PERFORMANCE
MEGAPROJECT Project Environment Legal and Regulatory Environment Legal and Regulatory Project Environment (regionally, nationally and Europe wide) National (build law) Euroepan (environment protection law) Specific Legal and Regulatory events impacting on the project Zmiana przepisów ochrony środowiska Nowe wymogi banków finansujących projekt w zakresie ochrony środowiska podczas budowy i eksploatacji Obowiązek sporządzenia Audytu Bezpieczeństwa Zmiana obszarów chronionych w czasie realizacji projektu (powołanie nowych i poszerzenie ustalonych) Obowiązek sporządzania Raportów do Projektu Budowlanego (wymóg Komisji Europejskiej oraz banków finansujących projekt) SECTION 5 - PROJECT ENVIRONMENT
MEGAPROJECT Project Environment Political Environment Political Project EnvironmentHostile attitude to the concession agreement one of governing party Specific Political Events impacting on the project Elections
MEGAPROJECT Project Environment Economic Environment Economic Project Environment Price of building materials increase Specific Economic Events impacting on the project SECTION 5 - PROJECT ENVIRONMENT
Events and activities relating to project stakeholders Events and activities relating to project management Events and activities relating to project performance Events and activities relating to project environment MEGAPROJECT Project Key Events and Activities Timeline TIME SECTION 6 - PROJECT TIMELINE Establishing comapny winning concessioning cometition (2 fragments of A2 highway) Negotiations about first fragment of A2 highway Realisation of first fragment of A2 highway Negotiations about second fragment of A2 highway Realisation of second fragment of A2 highway Infrastuktura uzupełniając a rozpoczęcie poboru opłat