Teacher Education Model and Quality Issues in a Large System: A TCF Case Study April 4 th 2012
Vision, Mission & Values Vision Positive Change Mission Quality Education Better Future Values Integrity Ownership Continuous Improvement
830 School Units 93 locations 120,000+ Students 6,000 Faculty Members 8,000+ Employees 50% Female Enrolment 92% Students matriculated successfully in ; 78% in First Division As of April 2012…
Background Operates in less privileged areas – urban slums, rural communities and villages Teachers recruited from the same area as school or proximal areas Most areas of operation have Literacy Gender Disparity Access to Higher Education Thus there is a dearth of suitable candidates Teachers have been educated in traditional education setting; need to transition to TCF’s focus on learning as opposed to teaching Teacher Quality is Low thus Teacher Education is imperative
,000 A series of workshops annually Focused INSET and PRESET trainings Partners and Adaptations Program Development by Central Team Formal TNA Training of Trainers Subject Specialist Trainers Principals’ Academy Staff Development Program Training portal Self Learning e-Interface PHASE 1 : PHASE 2 : PHASE 3 : Evolution of Teacher Education Model at TCF Formal Monitoring and Evaluation
Phase 1 [ ] Our Orientation: Teacher Education is imperative ; separate programs need to be created for new and existing teachers 1996 A Series of Workshops for Annual Training Separate Thread for new teachers: Pre-Service Training [PRESET] PRESET included classroom training modules, followed by on-the-job training with an experienced teacher For In-Service Training, existing programs by partner organizations were introduced Programs were selected on the basis of synergy with TCF’s educational model Training Needs Analysis [TNA] was informal; on the basis of TNA, the selected programs were adapted 1997
Phase 2 [ ] Our Orientation: Capacity building at all tiers - the Training development and management team, the Principals and the teachers – undertaken with scalable and sustainable programs / interventions Training Development by Central Education team Included skills-based modules, pedagogical approaches along with necessary focus on Content Covering Content was critical because of quality of Teachers Formal TNA engaged both Central and Regional Education teams; improved coordination Branching out of Central Education team into a focused Training team Subject-Specialist trainers recruited, each with a focus area like ECE, Secondary Science etc
Phase 2 [ ] Our Orientation: Capacity building at all tiers - the Training development and management team, the Principals and the teachers – undertaken with scalable and sustainable programs / interventions Formal Monitoring and Evaluation system; Multi-tiered feedback by central team, Regional team and Trainees through observations and questionnaires New Cascade Model – Training of Trainers [ToT] where Trainers selected from amongst school faculty will carry forward Training in INSET Conducted by Central Training Team (+) Capacity Building of Teachers; Diversification of Teacher Role (-) Risk of Dilution in INSET Separate Program for Principals – Principals’ Academy – initiated Program covers both Leadership and Management Purpose is to strengthen school from within and develop Principal’s role as both Instructional and Administrative Leader of the School Principals to lead PRESET of new teachers at their schools
Phase 3 [2010 Onwards] Our Orientation: To inculcate a culture of self-learning and continuous improvement amongst schools, where teachers undertake personal development through e-channels, alongside participation in regular programs onwards Program for continuous development – Staff Development Program [SDP] introduced Faculty from the same cluster to meet 6-7 times a year and focus on modules selected by Principals according to immediate training needs Modules conducted by Master Trainers and Principals Training portal developed – a comprehensive resource which made manuals from all prior training programs accessible at Area level Training Portal to be made accessible at school level E-interfaces to be developed to assist teachers in self-learning and assessment; international modules explored starting with English
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