S CIENTIFIC T RAINING FOR G RADUATE S TUDENTS Priming PhD Students for Effective Training Inês Crisóstomo Vienna Biocenter
My career path and motivations
The Vienna Biocenter 4 Research institutes focused on fundamental biology research Multidisciplinary and vibrant scientific environment State-of-the-art scientific infrastructure and technology platforms 2 incoming PhD Classes per year: Winter and Summer.average 15 students per class (number of positions varies per call).no common starting date.heterogeneous group My current position
My view on Scientific training Learn science by doing science The role of the Program/Educators/Supervisors: -ensure a supportive and stimulating environment; -teach and encourage rigorous and critical approaches; -provide constructive feedback; -provide opportunities for career and personal development Empower PhD students to become independent scientists with potential
The challenge prime students for an effective training A course: Priming your PhD (1) Developing critical scientific skills; (2) Increasing resourcefulness; (3) Advancing their organizational and interpersonal skills; (5) Building a peer group and strengthen their network on campus.