CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Transforming Clinical Practice and P-20 Partnerships
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Members of the Ohio Team John E. Henning, Associate Dean, The Patton College of Education, Ohio University Michael J. Smith, Dean, College of Education and Human Services, Lourdes University Cheryl Irish, Director of Accreditation and Assessment, School of Education, Health, and Society, Miami University
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Promising Developments Strong Partnership between the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Board of Regents Formation of the “Ohio Clinical Educator Alliance” to implement Blue Ribbon Panel Recommendations Statewide Collection and Distribution of Innovative Practices related to the Implementation of Blue Ribbon Panel Recommendations
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Big Challenge The challenge - and the opportunity - lies in its scope (“turning teacher education upside down”). Moving to clinically-based teacher education will require discovering a whole new way of thinking about clinical preparation; translating that thinking into a fundamentally different approach to teacher preparation; communicating the nature and scope of that transformation; and engaging our P-12 colleagues, constituents, and other stakeholders in this endeavor.
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Big Idea Develop the Ohio Clinical Educator Alliance into a fully functioning Network Improvement Community that 1) fosters innovation in clinical preparation across the state of Ohio 2) sets new directions for designing, pilot testing, and researching new initiatives 3) collects and distributes data from pilot tests and the implementation of innovative projects 4) collects and distributes data that demonstrates the value added by teacher education programs
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | December CAEP Alliance Meeting Outcomes Three Design Teams Clinical Partnerships Clinical Experience Clinical Educators
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Clinical Partnership Design Team Problem Weak understanding of what constitutes mutually beneficial relationships Aim By 2/27/14 each state member develop at least 2 clinical collaboration statements (examples) regarding mutual beneficial.
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Clinical Partnership Design Team Solutions Define the aspects of “mutually beneficial” for each partner 1) Identify a few mutually beneficial areas/topics (internal/external benefits) 2) Partnership (structures) - clearly articulating benefits to all partners (MOUs)
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Clinical Partnership Design Team Solutions (cont.) 3) Do onsite classes/co-teaching models benefit both candidates and P12 learners? 4) Building a structure for partnership development - independent of individuals involved 5) Foundations for relationships - one on one, don't "title", come as peers/equals
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Clinical Experience Design Team Problem Weak system for assessing teacher candidate performance in clinical settings Aim By March1, 2014, each participant will identify a portion of the clinical curriculum, work with partners to clarify the desired outcomes, and agree upon measures of success, with a focus on P-12 student achievement.
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Clinical Experience Design Team Solutions 1) Inventory current approaches to assessing teacher candidate performance in clinical settings 2) Pilot new initiatives in assessment a Encourage multiple assessments b. Design pilot projects that consider both big data and more local, formative assessment
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Clinical Experience Design Team Solutions (cont.) 3) Develop a communication strategy for distributing the results of pilot projects and assessment initiatives 4) Compile pilot project findings for the purpose of aligning clinical assessments with the clinical curriculum
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Clinical Experience Design Team Solutions (cont.) 5) Create a vision for teacher candidate development and performance that clarifies desired outcomes on a developmental continuum that prioritizes student learning as a measure of effectiveness.
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Clinical Educator Design Team Problem Lack of consistency in systems for defining the qualifications for selecting clinical educators Aim By 3/31/14 each clinical educator CIC member will gather information from stakeholders regarding current and aspirational characteristics of suitable clinical educators.
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Clinical Educator Design Team Current solution Take stock of current characteristics of clinical educators in our programs and work with stakeholders to redefine characteristics of suitable clinical educators
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Clinical Educator Design Team Possible future solutions Selecting one person with a dual role - supported by District and IHE collaborative agreement on the selection of clinical faculty defining and creating the co-teaching team
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Clinical Educator Design Team Supporting university faculty provides a regular presence in the classrooms so that there is increased knowledge of the school/teachers/principals to provide valid input in selection Online training
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Clinical Educator Design Team Retaining CEUs provided by the District for licensure renewal recognition as teacher leader - end of year reception developing a leadership pathway
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Ohio Clinical Alliance Proposal Form a State Alliance organizational structure similar to National Alliance that includes broad representation from educational agencies and partners across Ohio, e.g. ODE, OBR, BASA, etc.
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Ohio Clinical Alliance Proposal Title: Ohio Alliance for Clinical Preparation and Partnerships (OACPP) Authorizing Agency: Ohio Board of Regents and the Ohio Department of Education Oversight / Lead Agency: Ohio Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (OACTE)
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Ohio Alliance for Clinical Preparation and Partnerships (OACPP) Purpose: The Ohio Alliance for Clinical Preparation and Partnerships Committee is established for the purpose of advancing and promoting practices and policies to transform clinical preparation through collaborative partnerships among schools, districts, and higher education by: Creating and communicating a vision and goals for clinical practice; Sharing best practices, research and innovations; Identifying and addressing issues related to clinical practice; Advocating for policies needed to support clinical practice.
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Ohio Alliance for Clinical Preparation and Partnerships (OACPP) Committee Composition Higher Education – Educator Preparation (8) 4 from State Educator Preparation Programs (one of which is a Field Director / Coordinator) 4 from Private Educator Preparation Programs (one of which is a Field Director / Coordinator) PK – 12 Schools Representation (6+) Ohio School Board Association Representation Ohio Association of Elementary Administrators Representation Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators Representation Buckeye Association of School Administrators Representation Ohio Federation of Teachers Representative Ohio Education Association Representative State Agencies Ohio Board of Regents (1) – Ex-officio Ohio Department of Education (1) – Ex-officio
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Ohio Alliance for Clinical Preparation and Partnerships (OACPP) Committee Leadership Co-Chair – PK-12 and Higher Education Committee Responsibilities To review and revise (if appropriate) the purpose of the committee To establish an organizational structure (Design Teams) and process to fulfill purpose To provide coordination, communication and advocacy To establish yearly goals and provide oversight and assistance in accomplishing goals To provide updates and report on achievements to OACTE / State Leadership Committee / Key Constituents.
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Ohio Alliance for Clinical Preparation and Partnerships (OACPP) Design Team (Subcommittee)Structure – Design Teams may be established to expand participation (Higher Ed. and PK-12) and to focus on specific areas. Committee members would be assigned to each Design Team to provide leadership, coordination and support. The nature or focus of the design teams may vary based on the goals/issues identified and prioritized by the Committee. Depending on the goal or issue, the task of the Design Team maybe to collect and share current practices or to establish a group to address (study / develop recommendations, etc.) the specific issue. Clinical Partnership Design Team Clinical Experience Design Team Clinical Educators Design Team
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Ohio Alliance for Clinical Preparation and Partnerships (OACPP) It should be noted that many innovated and transformative initiatives have been started such as: The White Paper entitled Clinically Rich Teacher Preparation: A Collaborative Commitment to P-12 Student Learning We also have examples of innovative practice and partnerships from across the state as well as on-going research. The OACPP Committee can coordinate, communicate, and serve as an advocate for such initiatives. The OACPP committee can model the collaborative partnership needed to maximize P- 12 student learning by providing high-quality clinical experiences.
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Comments / Discussion / Questions Ohio Alliance for Clinical Preparation and Partnerships (OACPP)Proposal Share insights / innovations / initiatives / research related to: Clinical Partnerships Clinical Experiences Clinical Educators
CONNECT WITH CAEP | | What’s Next? Future Meetings Projects Collecting and Reporting Data