Careers Education and Guidance Conference 31 st January Workshop 2 Improving the quality of Careers Education Guidance through staff development and access to information on learning and work.
11 – Learners. Vertical tutor groups – Year 7, 8 and 9. Discreet year groups – Years 10 and 11. All tutor groups have 2x tutors. Assertive Mentors support tutor work in Year 10 and 11.
Care, advice and guidance judged ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted in December 2010). Our own judgement on careers guidance more variable. –Foundation learners / Pathway 1 (20% of cohort) ‘outstanding’. –Pathway 2 learners (curriculum includes vocational subject choices – 40% of cohort) ‘good’. –Pathway 3 learners (Baccalaureate / Academic combination experience – 40% of cohort) ‘satisfactory’. Careers education is a discreet aspect of the Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education programme.
Key Questions 1.How to utilize existing tutor structures to improve CA + G across the whole college population? 2.How to utilize technologies to support provision of CA + G across the whole college population. 3.How to develop Careers Education through PHSE for whole college population.
Whole College Inset 16 th November pm – 5.30pm
Careers Advice and Guidance National Context Schools and Colleges are responsible for ensuring (not providing) the provision of Impartial* Independent Careers Guidance from September 2012 Years 9 to 11 (Education Bill 2011). Schools and Colleges ensure all students receive impartial advice about the full range of options available to them at the age of 16 and beyond including Apprenticeships (Ofsted). Schools are expected to continue to deliver Careers Education. Youth unemployment reaches 1 million for the first time since 1986 (16 November 2011).
The Wingfield Context NEETS (not in education, employment or training) 7% + in 2011 (November). 3% Foundation learners 4% Pathways 2/3 ‘Low’ career aspirations. Students often being driven to ‘achieve’ by others but not fully understanding the range of career / employment implications and opportunities throughout their lives. Careers Information, Advice and Guidance often a Y11 activity. Careers Education is delivered through PHSE lessons in college.
Through taking a collective responsibility for Careers, Advice and Guidance we support: The Engagement and motivation of pupils to aspire, achieve and progress in their learning and personal development. Pupils choosing the right pathways post 16. Reducing NEET levels post 16. Developing the knowledge and skills pupils need to make decisions, plan and manage their life journey through learning and work. Pupils developing the knowledge and skills they need to compete for course places and jobs in the future.
Avoid the following conversation with children and their parents: “She wants to be a vegetarian”. Year 9 parent whose child wanted to work with animals. “ He hasn’t a clue what he might want to do next year”. Normally Y11’s every year. “I’ve packed it in because I didn’t know it was going to be hard work” Various Year 12 students following AS modular exam results in January (any year). “ There’s no point because I’m not going to University anyway” Various
Session Content What is Information, Advice and Guidance, why it’s important and who provides it? Sources of information (post 16 options, qualifications, routes, courses and apprenticeship vacancies). Introduction to careers connect, and apply Rotherham. All the above will be integrated as links within the tutor ‘wheel’.
Aims To help you feel more confident when providing ‘first line’ information and advice on learning and work to young people and their parent/carers. To make you aware of the resources and specialist support available, when and where to signpost and refer on. To ensure young people receive accurate information and advice to help them progress and make successful transitions
Objectives - By the end, participants will: Be aware of the changes affecting schools. Identify where IAG is provided in everyday practice to help prevent /reduce the number of young people NEET(Not in Education, Employment or Training) Recognise impartial and partial IAG Be aware of post 16 learning routes, qualifications, information and show how to use careers connect and ibrowserotherham websites. Know when and how to refer to a careers adviser.
Impartial v’s Partial Quiz-Partial or Impartial??
Partial or Impartial? 1.You are an A-C student; you should go into 6 th form and do AS/A levels. 2. If you want to be a nurse, you could choose the vocational (work related) or academic route. 3. You will get more support in the school 6 th form than at college. 4. You’re predicted mainly GCSE’s at grade D. You’re good at practical work; you should do an apprenticeship or learn a trade. 5. You’re predicted 5 GCSE’s at A-C including English. You could apply for AS/A2 levels, a vocational (work related) course or an apprenticeship.
6. If you want to go to university you need to study AS/A2 levels. 7.You’re good at Science. You should go and be a doctor! 8.Log onto the online prospectus to find out about local courses and providers. 9. You could study a higher education course at some local colleges and through some apprenticeship. 10. “You could earn £50,000 per year if you become a plumber”
Paper, verbal, IT, web, media text and/or data Location of resources or further support Contact details for opportunity providers and support organisations College/school/university prospectuses Online prospectus Local and national publications Websites addresses Careers books Leaflets/posters Information, advice or guidance? INFORMATION
Information, advice or guidance? Guidance 1-1 confidential discussion exploring: Short, medium long term goals for learning & work Origin/challenging of career ideas and aspirations Exploration of interests to generate career ideas Barriers and challenges i.e. financial, socio/economic factors, personal issues, attitudes to learning, realism, skills, personal qualities, travel etc. Entry routes and progression opportunities Qualifications Potential outcomes/Things to consider Usually results in the provision of an Individual Development Plan with SMART targets
On a 1-1 or as part of a group: Demonstrating how to use websites and other learning and work resources including books, IT/media Information on options and choices and advising on possible outcomes/consequences Encouraging/suggesting appointments to access specialist/other services and resources Information, advice or guidance? Advice
Staff Evaluation Were the objectives of the training met? Yes 98% Unsure 2% No 0% How would you rate the delivery of the session? Excellent 35%Good 63%Satisfactory 2% Poor 0%
Tutor Wheel used to support tutor activities.
Careers links to support delivery of Guidance by all staff.
Next Steps Consolidate use of technologies across all populations to support Careers Advice and Guidance Students Staff Parents
To discuss CEIAG development and staff training contact Jenny Lawless CEIAG Development Adviser RMBC Tel: