Situation Normal.... ___________________________________
A fortune at the bottom of the pyramid Three decades old Indian IT services industry Programming services at one sixth of the international cost Skills, Scalability and Business English Flexible pricing models, even fixed-price ______________________________________________
Meet our Manjunatha Hegde.... A fresh engineering graduate from Hubli, Karnataka Not from a well known institute of higher education No great connections, no great financial resources Some web programming skills He has struck with a great idea for the cyber-space o at least he believes so ! o for sure, he wants to try it out _________________________________________
In a one-to-one million journey... Undifferentiated non-value-add ( 70% ) Hardware Software Communication Upgrades Load Balancing Scaling Utilization Server Hosting Storage Management Replication Fail-over High availability ________________________________________ Differentiated value-add ( 30% ) Develop Test Operate
His business needs Easy to get started Dynamic scalability The reliability, performance and security of the infrastructure Cost efficiency Free or near zero initial investment Easy to operate _________________________
Cloud Computing has a solution... Cloud computing refers to both the applications delivered as a service over the internet ( SaaS ) the hardware and systems software in the datacenter ( Cloud ) Characteristics offers Services focused Shared, highly scalable networked infrastructure Automated service delivery Enhanced standardised user experience __________________________________________
Everything Must Change.. ___________________________________
Cloud as a powerful resource.... Public Cloud for Web Applications o made available by third party service providers o it can be free or fairly inexpensive to use o it provides tools for application development _______________________________________
Enablers Technology Enablers Virtualization Web services Utility computing Flash memory Key Necessary Enabler extremely large commodity-computer datacentres at low-cost locations, reducing their own opex by leveraging o very large economies of scale o statistical multiplexing to increase the utilisation ___________
Cloud Computing Flavours Hardware as a Service ( HaaS ) o AWS o Rackspace Platform as a Service ( PaaS ) o Google o Microsoft _______________________
Voices, noises and rainbows over Cloud ! The interesting thing about Cloud Computing is that we’ve redefined Cloud Computing to include everything that we already do.... I don’t understand what we would do differently in the light of Cloud Computing other than change the wording of some of our ads. -- Larry Ellison, quoted in the WSJ, September 26, 2008 ______________________________________________ A lot of people are jumping on the [cloud] bandwagon, but I have not heard two people say the same thing about it. There are multiple definitions out there of “the cloud.” -- Andy Isherwood, quoted in ZDnet News, December 11, 2008
Voices, noises and rainbows over Cloud ! It’s stupidity. It’s worse than stupidity: it’s a marketing hype campaign. Somebody is saying this is inevitable — and whenever you hear somebody saying that, it’s very likely to be a set of businesses campaigning to make it true. -- Richard Stallman, quoted in The Guardian, September 29, 2008 ______________________________________________ When it comes to cloud, we are all in ! -- Steve Ballmer, CEO Microsoft Corporation, March 2010 while addressing University of Washington
Here is the future ! ____________________ Wealth moved from bartering to coins to paper money... As time goes by, people will become accustomed to accessing tools and information held on virtual private networks, just as they have with using paper (and now digital) money. -- Art Coveillo, President EMC's Security Division
We cannot afford to be like this ! _______________________________________
Cloud Computing A simple taxonomy on cloud computing _______________________ SaaS User Cloud Provider SaaS Provider / Cloud User Utility Computing Web Applications
Cloud Providers IBM Google Yahoo! AWS Microsoft ____________________
SaaS Providers... One man enterprise like Mr Manjunatha Hegde A small group of programmers who wants to do something different and more profitable A small division of a large software services company What all they need to take up the challenge ? o High speed internet connection o A programmers laptop o Services and SDK from a reliable cloud provider _______________________
Cloud Computing Exploiting the Cloud Architecture Processing Pipelines o Documents o Images o Video o Indexing o Data mining Batch Processing Systems o back office applications, finance, insurance, retail o log analysis and report generation o nightly builds, unit testing, automated deployment Web Applications o websites that sleep at night and auto-scale during the day o instant websites for events o promotion websites o seasonal websites _______________________
Cloud Computing Who looks for what ? Large enterprises o looking to transform their data centre o optimize IT service delivery Small and medium businesses to acquire more o sophisticated business processes o business services o IT capacity Application Programmers o Tools for full life-cycle support _______________________
Cloudy but not cloudy ! Business Projections USD 42B by 2012 ( ref. study by IDC in 2008 ) The figure got enhanced in 2010 to USD 56B Likely world-wide adoption by 2016 ( ref. study by Gartner ) Intel Corporation “We expect to see, by 2012, a substantial portion of the server market will be running some version of cloud computing. Right now, as much as 14 percent of server purchases are going into some sort of cloud deployment. By 2012, Intel predicts that some 20 to 25 percent of its server chips will be dedicated toward data centers that power cloud computing" Jason Waxman, General Manager, High-density Computing Intel Server Platforms Group _____________________________ Customer share Market share Mind share
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