英语专业教师专业教学 能力提升的方法和途径. 上海立信会计学院 高等职业技术学院 常务副院长 陈雪翎.


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Presentation transcript:

英语专业教师专业教学 能力提升的方法和途径

上海立信会计学院 高等职业技术学院 常务副院长 陈雪翎

学习语言的目的多半不是为了研究。大部分 人是为了用语言工具去跟别人交流。 当今的商务活动强调人实际的商务沟通能力 达到沟通的理想状态和以 “ 商务 ” 为核心的这样 一个语言培训过程,商务英语的教师应该有 扎实的英语功底和丰富的商业背景。 只有具备语言、商业知识、商务技能的老师 ,在课堂上才能传授给学生商务英语方面的 知识,更能辅之以大量的商务知识和商务技 能的讲解。

Good teachers people who have some sort of connective capacity, who connect themselves to their students, their students to each other, and everyone to the subject being studied Parker J. Palmer

Requirements to teachers English knowledge (grammar, lexis, syntax, rhetoric, style, etc.) high level of language competence English teaching methodology a working knowledge of the conceptual framework of the subject more roles and responsibilities than a common language teacher or a subject teacher

What do students need to learn in BE? Workplace English English used in international business context The language that is useful for a business career Competence in English, ability to communicate for essential business needs

What does business context affect? the vocabulary the types of texts selected the situations presented in the tasks

Business Readings Notices Messages Adverts Leaflets Lists Plans Contents Graphs Charts Tables Directories Letters Product descriptions Reports Minutes Newspaper articles Magazines Memos s Brochures Catalogues

Graphic information

What kind of English is BE? English for General Purpose English for Academic Purpose English for Specific Purpose English for Business Purpose English for Occupational Purpose English for Vocational Purpose English for Professional Purpose

ESP an approach to language teaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based on the learner's reason for learning a goal-oriented language teaching or a type of ELT in the end

Variable characteristics of ESP may be related to or designed for a specific discipline may make use of the underlying methodology and activities of the discipline it serves may use, in specific teaching situations, a different methodology from that of general English

Variable characteristics of ESP generally designed for intermediate or advanced students designed for adult learners, either at a tertiary level institution or in a professional work situation

Hazy scope of BE teaching Contents of BE course books vary Teaching business subjects in English Booming popularity of BE courses and books

BE: language-based or skill-based teaching of English language knowledge and skills for business purposes BSIE: content-based teaching of an independent specialized subject

BE vs. BSIE Text shorter, easier to understand not necessarily following a systematic teaching of business knowledge Text longer, more academic In a logical order to provide a comprehensive and systematic introduction to business knowledge

Exercises BE to check whether the learners understand the main ideas to use business-related vocabulary BSIE to help learners master the Business content only

Case study BE to enhance the reading comprehension ability BSIE to solve a problem

Business content BE belongs to carrier content the context for English teaching BSIE belongs to real content focus of instruction

Lack of proper focus in BE teaching improper emphasis on Business knowledge acquisition, a process of teaching Business knowledge in English with the help of Chinese translation learners scarcely get enough improvement in language competence to deal with business-related situations

BE focus the improvement of learners ’ language competence in business-related context the acquisition of certain business content at the same time

Problems with some BE books The percentage and level of Business knowledge in the BE textbooks tend to increase. Many BE teachers have become slaves of the available published textbooks, unable to evaluate their suitability. Some original English Business books are used in BE in order to keep teaching materials authentic.

Problems with some BE books BE teachers are unable to perform the necessary analysis of difficult specialist texts to verify their contents. More Business content definitely needs more time and energy in the practical teaching, and that unavoidably distracts the focus of BE from language teaching.

To Solve the problems collaboration between language teacher and subject teacher task-based approach, content- based approach and case study methodology

BE: A carrier of culture readings take on meaning only when they are situated in real contexts of use employees need to have cross-cultural understanding culture awareness especially important in BE communication, and deserves special attention in BET

A lack of knowledge of Business English can lead to problems worse than using the wrong tense and/or the wrong word! Poor communication can lead to mistakes & mistakes cost MONEY.

If there is anything I haven ’ t made clear, please... If you require further information, please …

When your machine breaks down, please tell us, and we will send our workers to your house as soon as possible. In case your machine should go out of order, please call us at and within 24 hours our engineering staff would provide on- site service.

Companies sensitive A good learner A good observer

Current approaches Socio-cultural influences, skills and needs Development of communication skills Commercial correspondence Participating in meetings, negotiations Discourse analysis and genre Influence of genre types of texts – examined in context Cross/multicultural communication

Contents Business environment Starting a new business Management Managing employees Marketing Financial management

Motives and functions of a business Business ethics and social responsibility Assessing economic conditions Assessing global conditions Selecting a form of business ownership Entrepreneurship and business planning

Managing effectively Organizational structure Improving productivity and quality Motivating employees Hiring, training and evaluating employees

Creating and pricing products Distributing products Promoting products Accounting and financial analysis

Be a good observer

Thank you