This course focuses on the practical aspects of doing business in an international environment, where English is supposed to be the language of choice.


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Presentation transcript:

This course focuses on the practical aspects of doing business in an international environment, where English is supposed to be the language of choice. It aims to help the students understand the language used in business contexts and improve many skills that are needed to succeed in the business world and to perform well in subsequent learning environments which include analytical thinking, problem solving, reading, writing, listening, speaking, and skills required in international business negotiations.

The contents of this course are closely related to international business activities. It focuses on the application of the language and language skills related to international business activities and business negotiations which include:

Unit 1 Applying for a job Unit 2 Companies Unit 3 Business Calls Unit 4 Business Travel Unit 5 Business Meetings Unit 6 Business Presentations Unit 7 Establishing Business Relations Unit 8 Enquiries and Offers Unit 9 Negotiating the Price Unit 10 International Payment Unit 11 Packing and Shipping Unit 12 Complaints and Adjustments Unit 13 Marketing and Sales Unit 14 Going Global Unit 15 E-commerce

Course Requirements & Assessment Students are required not only to understand the basic business vocabulary, basic knowledge and basic skills of international business but also develop their ability to communicate effectively in actual international business activities. The course will be assessed using the following methods: (a) assignments (b) class attendance & performance (c) test

1) 肖云南. 商务英语听说. 北京:清华大学出版社,北方交通大学出版 社, ) 边毅. 商务英语写作. 北京:清华大学出版社,北方交通大学出版社, ) 唐桂民,郭桂杭. 商务英语听说(上. 下). 北京:高等教育出版社, ) 张立玉等. 国际商务谈判策略. 北京:北京理工大学大学出版社, ) 孙湘生,易滟. 国际贸易实务. 北京:清华大学出版社,北方交通大学出 版社, ) 廖瑛. 国际商务英语 — 商务理论、语言与实践. 长沙:中南大学出版社, ) Leo Jones and Richard Alexander. 剑桥国际商务英语. 北京 : 华夏出版 社,2001

Some domestic network resources  外贸手册  中国贸促网  中国外经贸  中国对外经贸国际合作部  中国国际贸易网  阿里巴巴(国际站)  中国国际贸易发展网  中国出口精英网  离岸商务网 离岸商务网  商资网 商资网  中国出口营销网 中国出口营销网 推荐

Some international trade organizations and their websites  ICC ( International Chamber of Commerce)  OECD ( Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development )  UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development )  WTO ( World Trade Organization )  U.S.Chamber of Commerce

Useful English Learning Websites           推荐

1.What is ‘Business English’? How do you define it? 2. What’s your purpose of learning Business English? 3. What do you expect to learn in this course? Can you tell …… Pre-course discussion

What do you think of these definitions for Business English? ♦ Although there is a certain amount of vocabulary that can be described as special ‘business’ vocabulary, most so-called business English is simply English used in business context — it is not a special language. ♦ Business English is a variety of English for Specific Purpose (ESP). As with other varieties of ESP, Business English implies the definition of a specific language corpus and emphasis on particular kinds of communication in a specific context. However, Business English differs from other varieties of ESP in that it is often a mix of specific content ( relating to a particular job area or industry), and general content ( relating to general ability to communicate more effectively, albeit in business situations). ♦ Business English studies English used in business context under the guidance of applied linguistic theories. It should be seen as an inter- discipline between literature, economics, management and so on.