THE EYE OF THE HURRICANE How could the Monroe presidency be characterized as being in the eye of the hurricane?
“Era of Good Feelings” Republicans absorb issues… death keel of the Federalists (failed Hartford Convention) Goodwill Tour- The Columbian Centinel- “Era of Good Feelings” Easy Credit- state & wildcat banks nd Bank of the United States (tight credit will lead to the Panic of 1819) Protective Tariff & Deregulation of Industry
Internal Improvements Federal Expenditures Roads Canal Construction National Road 1816 Erie Canal- NY state- 1825: connection to the Great Lakes: 8 years and 8 million dollars
Henry Clay American System North- Protective Tariff West- Canal’s and Railroads
“Like a Fire bell in the Night” Sectionalism- key issues North- protective tariffs South- slavery West- internal improvements
Missouri Compromise Slavery in the Western Territories James Tallmadge’s amendment Missouri Bill & Compromise- Henry Clay Missouri & Maine for 36/30 North Guiding premise for admission up until 1850 Michigan & Arkansas (1830)
North & South Breakdown Politically North 5 Million House 105 Senate 22 South 4.5 Million House 81 Senate 22
Completing American Independence Nationalism & Foreign Affairs 1817 Rush Bagot Agreement Naval disarmament- British Boundary 1818 Convention of th Parallel Joint Occupation of Oregon- Britain & US
1818 Florida Florida problem: escaped slaves, Indians, Brits British adventures- pirates, encouragement/Natives Seminoles- war like Andrew Jackson- occupation of Florida Without authorization, captures forts- kills natives and British a like.
1819 Adam’s Onis Treaty Purchase of Florida (pay debts- Spain) Claims to Texas and Oregon Transcontinental Line- for Oregon & not Texas
1823 Beginnings of the Monroe Doctrine Napoleonic Wars & Latin America Revolutions and slow recovery Simon Bolivar & other revolutions
American View- Revolutions Economic- favored trade North & South Political- rise of Democracy Military- most important power in the Northwest Hemisphere
European Threats Quadruple Alliance- Holy Alliance France, Prussia, Russia, Austria Russia and the North American coast- Alaska
Rejecting Anglo American Declaration Jefferson & Madison John Q Adams: “cockboat” Basic Ideas of the Monroe Doctrine America & Latin America America & European Colonization America in European Affairs Importance and Results Role of J. Q. Adams
Basic Ideas of the Monroe Doctrine Existing Colonies in Western Hemisphere Europe and the USFuture colonization in Western Hemisphere No US interference No further colonization- “Dangerous” for foreign nations US has primary influence