Flipcentre John Pirie Secondary School
FLIPSIDE Flexible Learning Initiative Programs Strengthening Innovative Directions In Education YOUTH SECTOR NETWORK DECS Boystown Government Non Government Agencies Agencies FLIPCENTRE
Flipcentre Aims Engage young people with learning. Provide for alternative mode of curriculum delivery. Support specific learning needs. Case manage learning plans through mentoring. Offer targeted programmes for identified groups. Develop strategies for working in a diverse classroom.
Flipcentre Students There is no typical Flipcentre student. Absence of stigma. Hear what students say.
Referral to Flipcentre 1. Learning Difficulties Numeracy and literacy. Prolonged disengagement with learning. Behaviour issues. Specific curriculum areas.
Referral to Flipcentre 2. Alternative Curriculum Delivery Open access college. Extension studies. SHIP students (excel r8). Targeted programmes. Traineeships/ Tafe
Referral to Flipcentre 3. Social Issues Non attendees/ truants Young offenders Homeless/ independent students Mental health issues
Flipcentre management A suitable physical environment. Learning plans. Weekly planners.
Supportive Data Reduced referrals to restart room. Improved GPA (subject grades). Improved attendance. Anecdotal.
Staffing the Flipcentre Need for passion. Roles and responsibilities. Getting the right people. Paying for it.
Sustainability and Transferability Target social disadvantage staffing allocation. Utilising partnerships in our community. Importance of FLO.
What have we learnt in 18 months? We can make a difference. Importance of staffing. Need to communicate with all staff. Community benefits. Importance of funding.