Road Map Project & Race to the Top Seattle School District August
What is The Road Map Project? 2 The “Road Map Project” is a collective impact initiative aimed at getting dramatic improvement in student achievement – cradle through college/career in South Seattle and South King County.
Road Map Project Goal The Road Map Project goal is to double the number of students in South King County and South Seattle who are on track to graduate from college or earn a career credential by We are committed to nothing less than closing the unacceptable achievement gaps for low-income students and children of color, and increasing achievement for all students from cradle to college and career. 3
Race to the Top Grant Overview In 2012, South King County communities came together to apply for Race to the Top in support of the Road Map Project. $40 million grant over four years from U.S. Department of Education This is Year 4 (the last year for most projects) Focus is personalized learning in service of the Road Map Project goals: 6
Race to the Top Projects Start Strong is our emphasis on Early Learning, preK-3 rd grade. STEM Strong addresses the need to strengthen Science, Technology, Engineering and Math skills throughout the region. Stay Strong helps students bridge the connection from high school to post- secondary opportunities and career. 7
Priority Focus for RTT: High-Need Schools 8 We have high-need schools all across the region, serving the most low-income students.
Grant Overview: Investments Tier 1: System-Wide Impact (Commitments, non- Investment Fund projects) Tier 2: High-Need Schools (Investment Funds) Tier 3: Intensive School- Community Partnerships (Deep Dives) 9 All Schools Across the Region 61% students of color 53% FRPL 14% ELL High-Need Schools 83% students of color 78% FRPL 26% ELL
Accomplishments So Far 10 $17 Million Awarded to Districts One Common Kindergarten Registration Day for All Districts Online Math & Science Programs in Elementary & Middle Schools New Career Exploration System Breaks Ground Nearly 13,000 Students Take SAT for Free During School Day 6%-point Increase in Students Taking AP/IB
11 ProjectDescription Amount Investment Fund Teaching & Leading (P1) Seattle Teacher Residency $581,090 High Functioning PreK-3 (P3A) Implementation of PreK-3 plan $18,730 Investment Fund for PreK-3 (P3B) Implementation of PreK-3 plan $657,960 Digital Learning Tools (P4) Digital Learning Tools, Hardware & Professional Development $766,742 Seattle’s Investments
12 ProjectDescription Amount Career Awareness & Exploration (P5) Career Exploration Tools $17,268 Middle and High School Advising (P6) Advising Coordinators$153,886 College & Career Readiness Pathway (P7) Teacher Training & Supplies for SAT, PSAT & ReadiStep $413,543 College & Career Ready Investment Fund (P8) IB Support, College Bound & STEM $459,003 Program EvaluationData collection and management $20,520 Deep Dive 3Contracts with additional Districts$315,849 Total $3,404,591 Seattle’s Investments
Partnerships A big focus of our grant is to foster partnerships –Among the seven school districts –Between school districts and community-based organizations –Among community-based organizations Strong partnerships help us reach our student outcome goals Our external evaluator conducted a study on partnerships in the Road Map region in spring 2015
Partnerships A big focus of our grant is to foster partnerships –Among the seven school districts –Between school districts and community-based organizations –Among community-based organizations Strong partnerships help us reach our student outcome goals Our external evaluator conducted a study on partnerships in the Road Map region in spring 2015
Preliminary Findings: Partnership Challenges Need for more opportunities to learn from one another Different visions of partnerships Lack of adequate infrastructure for authentic CBO- District partnerships Power dynamics o Representation of stakeholders o Funding structure
RTI Recommendations for Addressing Challenges Deepen the work of the partnership as a Learning Community Sustain a common vision and continue conversations about equity Develop system-wide supports for authentic CBO– school district partnerships Balance power dynamics o equitable representation of stakeholders o equitable funding structure
Seattle’s Investments Social network analysis of Seattle School District and CBO network 17 *Based on surveys of Seattle district and CBO staff (n=5) Please visit for the full report.
Our Ask Stay informed Project information on Bi-weekly updates sent to districts leads Communicate! Help us share the great news about how kids and families are being helped by the Road Map Project & Race to the Top Continue this important work by planning now for sustainability beginning in