China: A Misunderstood Nation A WebQuest for High School (World History) Mrs. Lee
Introduction Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher Notes Your keys will unlock the treasure chest and open the Orient to everyone. You are historians investigating aspects of Chinese culture. As historians you will be researching a specific area and creating a booklet that can be used as a guide to a museum display or as an informational tool for students in the community. China Mrs. Lee March 2005
The Task This project will be completed with a partner. Each group will need to pick a topic that you will investigate. Together you will create booklet. Each person will need to write a reflection paper describing what you have learned during this process. China Mrs. Lee March 2005 IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher Notes
The Process China Mrs. Lee March 2005 IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher Notes 1.First will need to pick a topic from the list dealing with China. Your choices are: food/festival, marriage, martial arts, education, music, and foot binding. 2.Create a booklet that is at least 6 pages. You need at least 3 pictures and you cannot have more visuals than text. 3.You will also be graded on spelling, mechanics, historical accuracy, and your title. The font size of the written material should not be larger than 14. The title of the booklet and any specific section can be larger. Make sure that the font you pick is easy to read. The Process
China Mrs. Lee March 2005 IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher Notes 4.Your project is due Monday the 18 th at the beginning of the hour. 5. Type a reflection paper which tells me what you learned without restarting your booklet. This is due Monday the 18th pages - typed double spaced - technical font - font size of 12 - one inch margins - IBC
Evaluation of Booklet China Mrs. Lee March 2005 IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher Notes CATEGORY4321 Writing - Mechanics Capitalization, spelling, and punctuation are correct throughout the brochure. 1-3 errors in capitalization, spelling, or punctuation. There are 4-6 capitalization, spelling and/or punctuation errors. There are more than 6 capitalization, spelling, or punctuation errors. Writing - Organization Each section in the booklet has a clear beginning, middle, and end. One sections of the booklet is missing either a clear beginning, middle and end. Two sections of the booklets are missing 2 parts clear beginning, middle and end. Less than half of the sections of the booklet have a clear beginning, middle and end. Title Title screams for one to pick it up and investigate. Title is interesting or inviting. Title is misleading.No title Graphics/Pictures Graphics go well with the text and there is a good mix of text and graphics. There is a minimum of 3 graphics. Graphics go well with the text, but there are so many that they distract from the text. Only 2 graphics. Graphics go well with the text, but there are too few and the brochure seems "text- heavy". Only 1 graphic. Graphics do not go with the accompanying text or appear to be randomly chosen. Content - Accuracy All facts in the brochure are accurate % of the facts in the brochure are accurate % of the facts in the brochure are accurate. Fewer than 80% of the facts in the brochure are accurate.
Evaluation of Reflection Paper China Mrs. Lee March 2005 IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher Notes Category4321 RequirementsAll requirements : typed, font, length, and IBC were met. One requirement was not met. Two requirements were not met. Three or more requirements were not met. Paragraph Construction All paragraphs include introductory sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence. One element of the paragraphs was omitted. Two elements of the paragraph s were omitted. Three or more elements of the paragraphs were omitted. MechanicsNo grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. 1-2 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. 3-4 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. More than 4 grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.
Conclusion As a result of completing this WebQuest students should have a greater awareness of the Chinese culture. Students will have become familiar with how a WebQuest is set-up, the information provided, and how to navigate through it. Students will also have had the opportunity to work on layout and creating an inviting design for their booklet. China Mrs. Lee March 2005 IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher Notes
Standards Standard 2 – Early Civilizations: 4000 to 1000 BCE WH 2.2 – Compare causes and conditions by which civilizations developed in China. Standard 4 – Major Civilizations, States, and Empires in Asia, Africa, and the Americas: 1000BCE to 1500 CE WH 4.4 – Trace the development and major achievements of Chinese civilizations during various dynasties. Standard 9 – Global Imperialism: WH 9.8 – Describe advances in weapons technology. Standard 11 – Historical Research WH 11.1 – Locate and analyze primary and secondary sources. WH 11.2 – Locate and use sources found at libraries, museums, and electronic sites. China Mrs. Lee March 2005 IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher Notes
Resources Check with Mrs. Eppley for books. Grolier Online Chinese Marriage Traditions and Chinese Wedding CustomsChinese Marriage Traditions and Chinese Wedding Customs MARRIAGE IN CHINAMARRIAGE IN CHINA Traditions of Arranged Marriages in ChinaTraditions of Arranged Marriages in China Chinese MarriageChinese Marriage Chinese Wedding TraditionsChinese Wedding Traditions Chinese Wedding: Pictures Of Chinese Wedding With Ancient Customs...Chinese Wedding: Pictures Of Chinese Wedding With Ancient Customs... Chinese Weddings - Traditions and Wedding CustomsChinese Weddings - Traditions and Wedding Customs China education and university listChina education and university list China Education and Research NetworkChina Education and Research Network overview of educationoverview of education history-china-edhistory-china-ed : Contemporary Education in China: An Inside View : Contemporary Education in China: An Inside View China Mrs. Lee March 2005 IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher Notes
Resources AN INTRODUCTION TO CHINESE MARTIAL ARTSAN INTRODUCTION TO CHINESE MARTIAL ARTS Chinese Martial Arts, Chinese WushuChinese Martial Arts, Chinese Wushu Chinese Martial Arts, Wushu, Kung fu, Regent Tour ChinaChinese Martial Arts, Wushu, Kung fu, Regent Tour China Chinese Martial Arts Links, Gongfu, Kung Fu, Wushu in ChinaChinese Martial Arts Links, Gongfu, Kung Fu, Wushu in China Chinese Foot Binding - Lotus ShoesChinese Foot Binding - Lotus Shoes Chinese Foot BindingChinese Foot Binding Footbinding Chinese culture: foot bindingFootbinding Chinese culture: foot binding A lesson on footbinding in China -- Nancy MilesA lesson on footbinding in China -- Nancy Miles Chinese Music InstrumentsChinese Music Instruments Chinese Music Instruments, History and PerformersChinese Music Instruments, History and Performers Chinese musical instruments - string instruments: guqin,yangqin...Chinese musical instruments - string instruments: guqin,yangqin... Zong Zi - the traditional Chinese foodZong Zi - the traditional Chinese food Chinese New Year Food, Traditional Chinese New Year FoodsChinese New Year Food, Traditional Chinese New Year Foods China Mrs. Lee March 2005 IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher Notes
The students will be given one week of class time to work on this project. Our school is on a traditional 6 classes per day. You will need to decide how the groups will be organized. For the reflection paper IBC will be discussed in class which stands for introduction, body, and conclusion. It is expected that students have prior knowledge working with computers and inputting pictures. Students will also need to know what the purpose of the WebQuest is and how to use it. China Mrs. Lee March 2005 IntroductionIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher NotesTaskProcessEvaluationConclusionStandardsResources Teacher Notes