Java Oleh: Mrs Dux
Kraton or the Palace where Sultan and his family of Yogyakarta live is located in the centre of the axis stretching from the north to the south, and in the secondary axis from the east to the west. It is encircled by row of the mountains called the Horizon as the border of the universe.
Yogyakarta is famous as one of the main tourist destinations in Indonesia. A great number of officials, including country leaders, and tourists have already visited Yogyakarta.
Borobudur is one of Indonesia's most famous and largest Buddhist temples. Built during the 9th century. Borobudur has become a site used for Buddhist pilgrimage, especially in May, on the birthday of Buddha himself (Waisak). The main dome (stupa) is centrally sited at the very top, where it is surrounded by a total of 72 statues of Buddha.
Jalan Malioboro is a major shopping street in Yogyakarta, the name is also used more generally for the neighbourhood around the street. It runs north from the Yogyakarta kraton
Parangtritis Beach is a lovely beach with many impressing phenomena, naturally and supra naturally. The waves regularly bring in new wood and bamboo, washing ashore from another nearby beach probably. Some wood is picked and taken away by locals to be used for their own house. It is located about 27 km. from Yogyakarta.
Kota Gede, which is often called Sargede is located about five kilometers southeast of Yogyakarta, Kotagede is a neat little town, which was once the seat of the mighty Mataram Empire. Since the 1930s, Kotagede has become famous for being the center of the Yogya silverwork industry.
Ngasem market located only 400 meters west of the Sultan Palace. In Yogyakarta, birds are on the third position in social status measurement, right after horses (as means of transportation) and keris as a weapon. Ngasem market has various kinds of birds for you to see or buy.
The Gadjah Mada University (Indonesian: Universitas Gadjah Mada or UGM) is the largest university in Indonesia in terms of student population. It is also one of the oldest universities in the country, founded on December 19, The name was taken from the name of Majapahit’s Prime Minister, Gajah Mada. UGM is located in Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. It has 18 faculties, 73 undergraduate study programs, 28 diploma study programs, and a graduate program of 62 study programs ranging from Social Sciences to Engineering. It has approximately 55,000 students, 647 foreign students, 2,240 employees, and 2,273 lecturers.