A Helping Hand. In what situations do people need help? serious illnesses jobless accidents wars disasters medical treatment & health care WHO Which organization.


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Presentation transcript:

A Helping Hand

In what situations do people need help? serious illnesses jobless accidents wars disasters medical treatment & health care WHO Which organization can help besides the people around him or her? Government International Red Cross

1.Thanks to____, Wang Lin was able to receive a treatment in time to prevent the disease from ruining his health. A. His son in courage B. The health care project C. the insurance for his family D. The kindness of his family and neighbors 2.According to the text, if Wang Lin had had _______, the sickness wouldn ’ t have caused such a big problem. A. a good job B. a high income C. insurance D. a good doctor to consult Check pre-reading

3.What is the aim of new health care project? A. Helping people get rid of poverty B. Exploring and developing a new health care model for China C. Letting sick people treated properly D. Providing medical insurance for the poor 4. In how many cities is the health project being treated? A. 4 B. 5 C.10 D. 14

5.According to the United Nations AIDS agency ’ s report, how many people will be infected by AIDS in China by 2020 unless more is done to prevent the spread of the disease? A. 9 million B. 10 million C.11 million D.12 million

6.The text “ A Helping Hand ” is mainly about_____. A. millions of Chinese people in urban areas can ’ t afford proper health care B.the Chinese government is taking measures to prevent the spread of AIDS C. a new health care project is being explored and developed in China D. people must help each other if society is to develop and prosper

Skim the text and match each of the headings below with a paragraph in it. 1.A new care project is aimed at exploring and developing a new health care model for China. 2.The Chinese government is taking measures to prevent the spread of AISD. 3.Millions of Chinese people in urban areas cannot afford proper health care. 4.People must help each other if society is to develop and prosper. 5.A man suffering from a serious disease was unable to pay for treatment. ( Para 3 ) ( Para 7) (Para 4) (Para 8&9) (Para 1)

Say True or False: 1.Wang Lin was diagnosed with cancer. 2.Wang’s son worked in a college who was unable to help him. 3.Wang Lin was saved with the help of a government health care programme. 4.The health programme is the largest in the country and is being widely used throughout the country. 5.By the end of 2003 the government’s programme only covered food and clothing, not including health care.

6.Some low-income residents couldn’t afford to go to hospital. 7.The government consider health care one of prior( 优先的) things to fight poverty. 8.There is an upward tendency in the speed of AIDS in China. 9.We should develop our economy regardless of those poor and weak people. 10.The government can solve all the problems concerning health care.

Causes and effects 1. Many low-income families can’t afford medical insurance. 2. Low-income families can’t afford to pay for medical treatment. 3. Low-income families can’t provide a healthy diet for their children. 4. The government is providing free health care for low-income families. 1.Low-income families are able to receive treatment. 2.When a family member gets sick, the family falls into poverty. 3.Children in low- income families often get sick. 4.Measures to fight poverty will not work.

Mr. Wang is a laid-off worker and his wife has an income of only 300 yuan per-month. lay sb. off: dismiss sb. 解雇,使下 由于效益不佳,工厂不得不解雇五十名工人, 王林 就是下岗职工中的一名。 Mr. Wang is a laid-off worker and his wife has an income of only 300 yuan per-month. lay sb. off: dismiss sb. 解雇,使下 由于效益不佳,工厂不得不解雇五十名工人, 王林 就是下岗职工中的一名。 The factory has to lay off at least 50 workers because of the low benefits, thus Wang Lin becomes one of the laid-off workers.

李咏 : 年收入 200,000 RMB ( 津贴 :120,000 RMB) ____________ 2000 people. The city has a/an _____________ of 350 km². _____________ 1000years. population area history It’s said that Li Yong has an income of 200,000 yuan per year including an allowance of 120,000 yuan.

Thanks to the project and the kindness of his family and neighbours, …. thanks to “ 由于, 幸亏 ”( 表原因 ) owing to as a result of due to because of on account of + n./n. phrases because/ for/ since/ as + 句子

The project that saved Mr. Wang ’ s life is one of the many government programmes aimed at improving the situation … aim at 以 … 为目标 Eg. 工厂必须以提高产量为目标. The factory must ___________________________. be aimed at 目标是, 目的是 Eg. 我学英语的目的是为了找到份好工作. My learning English ____________________________ aim at increasing production is aimed at finding a good job

The Chinese government is also working together … to provide easy access to hospitals and clinics for low-income families. access to sth/sb 接近某人或者进入某地的方法 Eg. 自由进入公园 have free access to the park 接近总统 have access to the president

put pressure on/ upon 对 … 施加压力 The coming exam put great pressure on the boy. The boy is under the pressure of the coming exam.

They cannot afford to consult a doctor or purchase medicines from a chemist when they get sick, nor can they make sure that their children keep a healthy diet. 这里表示否定意义的副词 nor 置于 句 首, 后面的句子应采用部分倒装形式, 意 为 “ 也不 ……” They cannot afford to consult a doctor or purchase medicines from a chemist when they get sick, nor can they make sure that their children keep a healthy diet. 这里表示否定意义的副词 nor 置于 句 首, 后面的句子应采用部分倒装形式, 意 为 “ 也不 ……”

e.g. If you don ’ t wait for him, nor shall I. 具有相同用法的否定意义的副词还 有 never, nor , neither , no sooner, little, hardly, seldom, in no way, nowhere, not only 等。 e.g. 1) Not a single mistake did he make in his exam. e.g. If you don ’ t wait for him, nor shall I. 具有相同用法的否定意义的副词还 有 never, nor , neither , no sooner, little, hardly, seldom, in no way, nowhere, not only 等。 e.g. 1) Not a single mistake did he make in his exam.

2) Visit our stores. Nowhere else will you find such magnificent bargains. 3) Hardly had he finished his work when the telephone rang. 4) Not only did he complain about the food, he also refused to pay for it. 2) Visit our stores. Nowhere else will you find such magnificent bargains. 3) Hardly had he finished his work when the telephone rang. 4) Not only did he complain about the food, he also refused to pay for it.

If low-income families cannot afford to purchase medical insurance, as was the case with Wang Lin, other measures to reduce poverty will not succeed. As our country develops, we must also remember the responsibilities that come with wealth and prosperity. as” 随着 ”, 引导时间状语从句 ( 意思相当于 with) as+ 句子, with+ 短语 as was the case with = as it is the case with 意为 “…. 的情况也如此 ” as 引导定语从句

vow to provide free AIDS tests for… vow to do vow that… I vow to stand firm by you forever. = I vow that I will stand firm by you forever. take/ make a vow break a vow keep a vow 立誓,起誓 违反誓约 履行誓约

This allowance, however, is only enough to cover the most fundamental needs such as food and clothing. cover vt. 包括 ( 某事物 ) Eg. The Red Army men covered a distance of more than ten thousand kilometers during the Long March. The dictionary covers most of the words. She had no money to cover her school fees. The talk didn’t cover that topic. He was responsible for covering the Iraq War. 走完 ( 一段路程 ) 包括 够付 涉及 报道

be diagnosed with a laid-off worker lay sb. off to make matters worse take a bank loan at half the cost of at all costs ruin one’s health get insurance for sb. be aimed at provide easy access to.. make a living fundamental needs become seriously ill live in poverty occupy an important position as is the case with sb. vow to do meet all the needs meet the need of

1. 有收入.. 2. 多亏了 3. 接受治疗 4. 阻止.. 做 … 5. 这么大的问题 6. 到目前为止 7. 低收入家庭 8. 靠 … 为生 9. 满足最基本需求 10. 增加额外压力于 11. 受苦于胸部的不断疼痛 12. 保持健康饮食 13. 陷入困境 14. 购买医疗保险 15. 受感染的人 16. 应对挑战 17. 凭 … 判断 18. 扔下, 留下 19. 生病 20. 承担的起 21. 数据表明

Lead-in Alexander Fleming

He discovered Penicillin.

Note It was not until after the war that he made his most important discovery. (P80) 此句包含了一个强调句型,其结 构为 “ It is / was + 被强调部分 + that / who + 句子的其他部分 ” 。这里需要注意的是当强调 not... until 结构时,须将 not until 一并放在强调部分, 后面接肯定句式。

e.g. It is not until recently that people have shown great concern about the bird flu. It was not until at that time that I realized what trouble he was in.

deadly adj. 致病的 adv. 死一般的,极度地,非常地 [ 注 ]deadly 不是 dead 的副词。 e.g. Passive smoking can be deadly too. 被动吸烟也可能致命。 I ’ m deadly serious. This isn ’ t a game! 我是很认真的,这可不是游戏。

在口语中, deadly 意为 “ 乏味的 ” , “ 枯燥的 ” 。 His classes are pretty deadly. fatal 致命的,致死的 同义词 She took a fatal dose of poison. 她服用了毒药,其剂量致命 。

affair 小事, [ 复 ] 事务,要事,恋事 business 表 “ 事情 ” ,主要用于习语中, 常带有厌恶感。 Mind your own ~. event 指 “ 大事 ” matter 事情 [ 复 ] 事态 [the matter] 出事,出毛病 thing 事情 (=matter) , [ 复 ] 事态, 情况 (=matters), 事件 (=event) incident 通常指小事件,如日常琐 事,也指众人瞩目的大事件、暴力 事件 accident 指意外或偶然发生的事故 如车祸、飞机失事、不幸的灾难等

例:用 affair, business, matter, incident, accident, event, thing 填空 1.It ’ s my own______, not yours. 2.The Foreign Office handles ( 处理) international_______. 3.I know you are a _______man. What_______ are you in ? 4.He is the manager of the three_______. business event affairs/ business

5.In recent ______,two famous buildings in the USA were damaged badly. 6.There is one more____ to say. 7.There have been fewer traffic _______ lately. thing incident accidents

clean up ①打扫干净, up 为 adv. 有彻底之意 ②清理掉,清除掉 clear up 转晴,变开朗,可指 天气变化,也可能指人的心情的 变化

clear up 也有清理,收拾 表示的是通过把东西放到原来所 在的地方,使一个地方看上去整 洁;而 clean up 指的是打扫干净。 c lean up 有洗刷之意; clear up 没有 e.g. Clear up the desk before you leave the office, will you? When he cleaned up, we could hardly recognize him.