INTERCENT-ER Agency PEPPOL implementation in Italy and e-invoicing standardisation Paris - June 02, 2014 Regional Agency for the development of electronic markets
2 Emilia-Romagna: general overview Citizens Public Administrations Economics Operator 4,5 million inhabitants population density: 197/ km 2 EO: Employees: Small enterprises (<20 employees): 98% 9 Provinces 348 Municipalities 14 Health Trusts and hospitals
3 Intercent-ER: role and goals Intercent-ER is Emilia-Romagna’s central purchasing unit for Public Administrations. Totally funded by the Regional Government and active since 2005, Intercent-ER has developed an eProcurement system and an innovative approach to public tenders in order to: rationalize the public spending for goods and services in the regional area; improve the efficency of procurement processes; increase the quality of goods and services used by public bodies; raise market competitiveness; enhance the regional economic system.
4 Public Administrations involved Intercent-ER operates for: The use of Intercent-ER’s services is mandatory The use of Intercent-ER’s services is optional Regional Government and public bodies directly owned by the Region Health Trusts and Hospitals Local Public Bodies (i.e. provinces, municipalities, etc.) Universities and schools other regional PAs
5 5 Intercent-ER’s ePROCUREMENT PLATFORM Suppliers can be selected through a eletronic tender completely paperless. eNotification eTendering eNegotiation eSocurcing Pre-award process Suppliers and PAs use standard documents and exchange them with interoperable systems Intercent-ER’s ACCESS POINT NoTIER eInvoicing eOrdering Post-award process eCatalogue Our approach to the whole digital procurement process Spending analysis and reporting
6 The regional infrastucture for digital procurement regional infrastucture for digital procurement Since october 2013, Intercent-ER has been incharged to set up the regional infrastucture for digital procurement (SiCiPa-ER) main SiciPa-ER tasks: preservation of e-procurement documents the generation, sending, transmission, reception and preservation of e-procurement documents only paperless
7 NoTIER has been developed as a fully interoperable Access Point, to exchange e-procurement documents between different systems, especially with electronic invoices validatingeuropean and national technical standards on electronic invoicing NoTIER ensures the sending, transmission, reception of the document validating legal requirements, european and national technical standards on electronic invoicing Italian national e-invoicing infrastructure European e-invoicing standards The regional Access Point: NoTIER
Our PEPPOL implementation till now 8 Vast Area's logistic hub for Health local Trusts and Hospital Sender: Reggio Emilia health trust Recipient: other local health administrations Born-digital invoice’s records transferred from Public Administrations to the regional centre archive of digital records (ParER) which is responsible for the long term preservation Drug invoices PA vs PA Digital Preservation Go live: November 2013 About 70 invoices of over 1200 lines each were managed
OpenPEPPOL framework SUPPLIERSUPPLIER Supplier’s Service Provider Invoice PEPPOL Invoice (PEPPOL) Order PEPPOL DA * (PEPPOL) Invoice PEPPOL DA * PEPPOL PA’s Access Point Order (PEPPOL) Service Metadata Publisher’s Provider Service Metadata Publisher Public Service Metadata Locator Internet 9 *: DA = Despatch Advice
Italian national framework SUPPLIERSUPPLIER PAPA Supplier’s Service Provider Digital preservation archive Invoice xml Invoice SdI signed Invoice SdI validated PA’s Service Provider National Interchange System (SDI) Invoice xml 10 Digital preservation archive Receipt /Rejection notification Receipt/ Rejection notification Receipt/Failed delivery/Rejection notification Receipt /Rejection notification Receipt/Failed delivery/Rejection notification invoice SdI signed Invoice SdI validated
Digital preservation Region’s archive centre for PAs (PArER) Invoice xml Invoice SdI signed fattura SdI validated Invoice PEPPOL PA’s Service Provider (NoTIER) National Interchange System (SDI) FormatconversionPEPPOL/SdI SUPPLERSSUPPLERS FormatconversionSdI/PEPPOLPEPPOL/SdI Order PEPPOL DA PEPPOL DA xml Order xml Invoice SdI signed Order PEPPOL DA PEPPOL By 31/03/2015 Supplier’s Service Provider 11 CENTRAL PA Invoice SdI validated Invoice SdI signed Emilia Romagna’s regional framework: link PEPPOL-SdI: eProcurement Receipt /Rejection notification Receipt/Failed delivery/Rejection notification Receipt /Rejection notification Receipt/Failed delivery/Rejection notification *: DA = Despatch Advice
Key points 12 Regional PAs have to use only one semantic and syntactic format NoTIER manages the format convertion issues NoTIER ensures semantic and syntactic interoperability Using PEPPOL specifications for orders, despatch advices and invoices allows you to automatically check the mutual validity between eProcurement's electronic records PEPPOL BIS (UBL 2.1) National format (SdI) Toward national market Toward crossborder marketsNOTIER achieves the full interoperability being compliant with PEPPOL transport infrastructure and the national technical requirements
Thank you for your attention Intercent-ER Viale A. Moro n – Bologna, Italy Phone number: +39 (0)