Hot House Investigation
Standards Applying a Design Process Apply and document an engineering design process that includes identifying criteria and constraints, making representations, testing and evaluation, and refining the design as needed to construct a product or system that solves a problem Transfers of Heat Energy Describe how heat energy is transferred in conduction, convection and radiation.
Targets Students will use what they have learned about energy to evaluate data collected during the engineering challenge. Students will correctly identify and explain conduction, convection and radiation. Students will apply knowledge of conduction, convection, and radiation to engineer a solution to a practical problem.
Hot House Challenge Part One Part One Make observations of the house. Record Data Analyze What happened to the heat? Based on this data, what might be true about how heat moves? MinuteTemp at top Temp at bottom
Hot House Challenge Part Two The Problem Your house is not evenly heated. The Challenge Choose a goal. Design and test a model home. You must present: Your Goal/Question An analysis of your data. What might be true? Data: Design research/results Methods: Documentation of your design/testing process.
Hot House Challenge Main Menu * Choose a goal * Design a house that heats evenly. Design a house that has 3 different rooms with different temperatures. Design a house that cools off quickly. Design a house that has a warm lower level, and a cool upper level.
Choose Three Analysis Questions How is your house a system? What are the inputs, and outputs of your house system? Discuss how energy is transferred in your house. What are the particles of matter doing as the temperature changes in your house? What parts of your house are an open/closed system? Where is the conduction, convection, and radiation in your house? Discuss other forms of energy besides heat that travel through your house. How does the density of the materials/air in your house effect your results. How did the materials you chose affect the movement of energy in your house? How practical is your house? Would it work in real life? Why/why not? If you were going to re-design your house to get better results, what would you do? Do the particles in the solid materials heat/cool at the same rate as the air particles? What evidence do you have?
Hot House Challenge Rubric What are you trying to find out? Very clear goal or question Mostly clear goal or question Goal or question is present Goal or question stated, but unclear. Data: Design research/result s Data is clearly organized in a chart or graph. Data is organized in a chart or graph. Data is displayed, but no chart or graph. Data is displayed, but it is not clear. Methods: Documentation of your design/testing process. Very detailed documentation of the testing and design process. Mostly detailed documentation of the testing and design process Documentation of the testing and design process is present, but few details. Limited documentation of what was tested/designe d. An analysis of your data. What might be true? **Side dish discussions Science language was correctly used in the analysis. Science language used, but limited. Science language not used, or incorrectly used.