Regional Water Supply Planning
Background Legislative history Benefits of regional planning Regulatory requirements Existing water source information Community systems Self-supplied users Agricultural users Water privileges
Background Existing water use information Population System connections Withdrawal rates Quantified use by category Unaccounted for losses Existing resource information Physical description – geology, hydrology, meteorology Environmental description
Background Projected water demand information Water demand management information Drought response and contingency plans Statement of need and alternatives analysis Local regulations and public participation
Plan Goals Data collection from 15 participants Develop consensus work plan and scope of services for Regional Water Supply Plan Create a useable, expandable, implementable plan – not one that just satisfies the regulations
Data Collection Geographic Information System framework DEQ database and VDH files Cooperative Extension Agents Groundwater data versus estimation Growth projections
Data Collection Community systems Self-supplied users Agricultural users Groundwater information Water purchases Source Water Assessment Plans
Work Plan Planning Process I.Existing Water Supply Evaluation A. Collect Data B. Meet with staff to review data collected and discuss additional data needs C. Collect Additional Data D. Evaluate Data
Work Plan Planning Process II.Water Demand Management Information A. Meet with staff to review Comprehensive Plans B. Calculate demand projections 50 years into the future C. Review and describe current conservation practices D. Review and describe existing drought response and contingency plans
Work Plan Planning Process III.Statement of Need and Alternatives Evaluation A. Develop statement of need B. Define alternatives C. Describe alternatives D. Screen alternatives
Work Plan Planning Process IV.Public Participation Public Hearing(s) Individual versus combined Regional Stakeholder Involvement Elected officials Planning commissioners Economic Development Authorities Industrial Development Authorities Local well drillers Additional EO/PC meetings