Objective: Compare and contrast the cultures of 3 different regions. Common Core Standards: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
Let’s talk about culture in the U.S. Discuss the following cultural aspects about the U.S. 1.Food - Name common American foods. 2.Clothing - What is typical everyday dress? 3.Transportation - How do you get around? 4.Economy – What are some job or industries in our area? 5.Arts/Celebrations – Name six big annual celebrations. 6.Recreation – What does your family do for fun? 7.Education/Language – Most common language.
Activity: Make a collage by cutting out pictures from magazines or drawing and coloring pictures about the culture in the U.S.
Game: Divide into 4 teams. Look at each picture about China. After analyzing the photo, consult with your teammates. Next, answer the questions by making an inference about Chinese culture. The teacher will assign points to the team with the best answers to each question. The team with the most points at the end wins.
Food Question 1: Based on the photos, what kind of food do people in China eat? Where do they get it?
Answer 1: Describe the kinds of food people in China eat. Where do they get it? McDonalds in Shanghai Bowls – probably fish Fish Vegetables Buying food at street markets Steamed food dumplings restaurants Food
Describe the type of clothing people wear in China. Clothing
Describe the type of clothing people wear in China. Pants/Shorts T-shirts jeans Jeans Pants Sweaters Clothing
Transportation What forms of transportation are used in China? When would they be used?
Trains – longer commutes all over China Walking – within the city Cars – short commutes in the city Boats – long commutes outside the city What forms of transportation are used in China? When would they be used? Transportation
Economy Answer 4: What kinds of jobs do these photos suggest?
Factory workers – export many products made in factories Street market workers – sell produce and other items Business/service workers Many farmers in China – wheat, grains, vegetables Fishermen Economy
Arts/Celebrations What celebrations and holidays do the Chinese observe?
The Chinese New Year, also called the Spring Festival, is the most important celebration of the year. It basically celebrates family reunions and the hope that spring may bring. The Mid-Autumn Festival is the second most celebrated holiday in China. It is sometimes called the “Moon Festival” and is held during the time of year when the moon is biggest and brightest. Residents celebrate by gathering with their families, honoring the moon, and eating delicious desserts called “moon cakes.” Arts/Celebrations
Recreation How do the Chinese spend their free time?
Parks Restaurants Touring sites in China like the Great Wall of China Shopping Recreation
Education/Language Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. = Middle School 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. = Home/Break 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. = Evening School sessions Typical School Schedule in China
Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. = Middle School 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. = Home/Break 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. = Evening School sessions Typical School Schedule in China Question 7: How does a school day in China compare to your school day? Also, explain the look of the Chinese language. Use symbols in language Go to school many hours a day Education/Language
Draw and complete the chart about the United States, China and Mozambique. A few of the blanks are filled in. See if you can fill in the rest using information gathered through the video and the previous presentation. United StatesChinaMozambique Food Clothing Transportation EconomyMore than 80% of those employed work in the agriculture industry. Arts/CelebrationsNew Year’s Day-Jan 1 Independence Day – June 25 Christmas Day – Dec 25 Family Day – Dec 25 Recreation Education/LanguageOfficial language: Portuguese Native languages: Swahili, Makhuwa and Sena