Structure and Elements of Drama
Drama Drama is literary work intended to be performed by actors and actresses upon a stage. Examples of Drama: ◦ Plays ◦ Films ◦ TV shows FUN FACT = NO FEMALE ACTORS
Drama Plays, movies, and TV shows are divided into sections ◦ An ACT; a major division of a play. ◦ A SCENE; a subdivision of an act with a fixed setting and continuous time frame. Stage Directions – SUPER IMPORTANT – describes the setting and tells the actors what to do or feel. It can also tell them when to go on stage, or off stage. ◦ Stage directions are ALWAYS IN ITALICS. It may also reveal something about the way an actor should feel.
Drama Example: RHONDA: (angrily) I don’t care what you think. I’m wearing the dress to the party. (She turns and storms out of the room, slamming the door behind her.)
Drama Dialogue = The actual words spoken from the actors and actresses; a conversation between two or more people. ◦ Monologue – a long speech to one or more people. Example: A mother telling a story to her children. Example: A military leader delivering a speech to his troops.
Drama: Dialogue con’t ◦ Soliloquy – a speech delivered by one character when he/she is alone on stage. During a soliloquy, the character might directly speak to the audience, or pretend he is speaking to himself. Soliliquies allow the audience to know exactly what he/she is really thinking or feeling. Soliloquy = Solo Dramatic Irony ◦ When the reader or audience knows something that the character does not. Ex: Romeo and Juliet – the audience knows that Juliet drank the sleeping potion and only appears to be dead. Unfortunately, Romeo has no idea.
Drama Conflict ◦ Internal – The problem “inside” or “within” the characters. His/her feelings. Example: Maybe the character feels happy, embarrassed, angry, jealous, etc. ◦ External – The problem “outside” the character. The physical problem. Example: A cut or bruise on his arm from baseball, the character is handicapped, etc.
Drama Props = The small, moveable items the actors use to make the actions look real. ◦ Ex: flashlight, a donut, a lamp, a notebook and a pen, etc.
Different types of Drama Comedy: Type of drama in which serious situation are addressed in a humorous way with humorous characters, Comedies usually have happy ending. Tragedy: Type of drama in which the main character is often a god person with serious flaws that result in the downfall or death of him or her or another character, usually leaves the audience feeling somber and thoughtful. Tragicomedy: Type of drama that blends both tragedy and comedy. Endings are unpredictable.