1 Joanna Simpson, University of Cambridge David Green, University of Cambridge Mate Lorincz, University of Keele Estates & Operations Approaches to influencing energy saving without capital investments
2 Agenda Introduction Electricity Incentivisation Scheme (EIS) at the University of Cambridge How has the EIS influenced behaviour? A case study from the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge The relationship between personal values and energy efficiency. A case study from the University of Keele Q&A and discussion
3 Energy and Carbon Reduction Project Supports implementation of the Carbon Management Plan Five pilot departments Learning to be rolled out across the estate £2M per annum budget Energy dashboard Engagement activities Gurdon Institute Library Engineering Chemistry Plant Sciences
4 What is the Electricity Incentivisation Scheme? Financial incentives to use electricity more efficiently Annual allowances at departmental level Financial reward if use less than allowance Financial penalty if exceed allowance Implemented 1 August 2008
5 How does it work? Value of any saving or cost made using the University’s average electricity price Quarterly reports sent to departments Financial transactions made once a year by the Finance Division Cost neutral to the central chest Scheme originally approved by Resource Management Committee (RMC) Annual targets approved by and results reported to RMC
6 How does it work? Annual allowances (August – July) are based on historic data 2008/09 allowances were equal to 2007/06 plus 3% 2009/10 and 2011/12 allowances were based on the average of the target and the actual consumption for the previous year, plus an uplift of 2% Post 2011/12 allowances now capped at 2009/10 usage. Newly occupied buildings - “settling down” period (3 years) before setting the baseline target
7 Measures of success Prior to 2008, electricity consumption was increasing at around 4% per annum In 2010/11 electricity usage was 4.4% below target, saving: £0.51 million 4,950 MWh 2,678 tonnes CO 2 Raised profile of electricity consumption and carbon is now in annual University planning round
8 University wide results
10 Departmental examples William Gates Building Electricity consumption – 12 month moving average Reduced consumption by 26% since the start of EIS
11 Departmental examples 2011/12 Two departments received approximately £27,000 One department was charged almost £70,000
12 Challenges and lessons learnt Agreeing annual allowances Dealing with new academic activity Senior level support Keep it simple – reduced administration burden by using existing electricity metering infrastructure and floor space allocation data Communication – at all levels
13 Case Study – Department of Engineering Background Accounts for around 10% of university. Activities based in 7 buildings. Around 600 members of staff – academic, research, administrative and technical roles. Four year MEng course – around 1,200 students. Postgraduate students numbers: 2011 (792) 2012 (830)
14 Engineering Year 1 ( ) Pre EIS levels indicated year on year increase, typically around 8%. Energy review arrangements - ad hoc and typically linked to plant replacement. Engineering’s bill for was £35k. High consumption buildings. Energy intensive activities.
15 Review of Energy Usage Historical and current Building maintenance staff. Consultant based surveys. Summer student appointments included: IES-VE modelling of buildings PV Survey Façade Optimisation
16 Committees & Communications Energy and Environmental Committees established. Regular agenda item at existing committees – Council, Staff, Safety etc. Promote energy performance and sustainability at all levels. Embrace interest shown from students and staff. Student and staff involvement: MEng projects, research, undergraduate teaching modules established.
17 Teaching and Research Teaching 4th year MEng projects include: fabric optimisation, PV modelling. 3rd year renewable module – PV inverter technologies, string and micro. MPhil Energy Technology – PV and Dashboard. Many 4th Year MEng projects are environmental based and popular. Research Doubly fed generator. PV micro inverter technology. Cleaning of emissions from combustion processes. Fuel efficiency in IC engines and compressors. Sustainable Development Group. Student Organisations & University Projects GreenBRIDGE Living Laboratory for Sustainability.
18 Visibility of Building Performance Introduction of Energy Dashboard. Visibility of actual building performance. Digital signage. Encourage individuals to ‘own’ and take responsibility. ‘Buy-in’ now apparent in some equipment purchases. Data being used in undergraduate teaching exercises.
19 DEC / EPC Improvements Completed Schemes include: Centralisation of compressed air plant (38t C02 pa). Update of heating boilers (115t C02 pa). Centralisation and efficiency of Data Centres (£75k, 200t C02 pa). Planned Schemes include: Air conditioning and AHU control. Heating distribution. Centralisation of chilled water plant.
20 Energy and Carbon Reduction Project (ECRP) Lead pilot department. Current projects include: Energy Roof Upgrade of chilled water supply Measurement of plug loads and dashboard Control of air conditioners Strong links with research activities e.g. building physics, power electronics. Sharing of information with Estate Management, other departments and colleges. Presentation at higher education and industry based seminars. Departmental engagement key.
21 Energy Roof Analysis IES-VE modelling of building fabric performance. Review and optimisation of PV panels and inverter types. Direct DC power usage. Installation Insulation savings 46%. 61,188 kWh maximum yield from PV. Data will be used to support undergraduate teaching.
22 Façade Optimisation PhD Student - Glass & Façade Group Analysis Current performance and assessment of strategies. Building energy optimisation algorithms. Based on defined parameters: user comfort, carbon and payback. Results Payback in £, carbon, comfort? Wall window ratios 20-70%.
23 Building Performance [1] Based on combined gas and electricity consumptions for the period Aug 2011 to July 2012 [2] Includes kWh associated with biomass boiler (based on delivered volumes of wood pellets). BuildingNett Usable Space 2011/12 Energy Consumption kWh [1] [1] kWh/m 2 Baker9351 m 2 2,838, Inglis9198 m 2 2,791, Electrical Engineering3286 m 2 2,944, Alan Reece3154 m 2 1,237, [2] [2] Nanoscience Centre1140 m 2 2,198,9741,929 Whittle Laboratory1695 m 2 1,394, Schofield Centre1082 m 2 286,721265
24 Current Energy Performance
25 Next steps? Implementation of ECRP schemes in new buildings. Low voltage distribution circuits and lighting. Further fabric performance modelling. Review and update of control algorithms for plant including Data Centres. Transfer of some environmental control to end users.
26 If you don’t do anything else… Your ‘aha’ moment Data collection and visibility Financial rewards/penalties