OSSCOM Partnership with Enterprises Towards Building Open Source Software Communities and Rejuvenation of Technical Education and Innovation Nadine Kutz,


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Presentation transcript:

OSSCOM Partnership with Enterprises Towards Building Open Source Software Communities and Rejuvenation of Technical Education and Innovation Nadine Kutz, M. A. Regulations for a smooth project management

Outline Staff costs Equipment Travel costs Nadine Kutz, M. A.

Staff costs – EU rules All partners are entitled to receive reimbursement for their work under the following conditions: When they perform tasks (administrative or academic) that are directly necessary to the achievement of the project their salary for the same task is only compensated once

Nadine Kutz, M. A. Staff costs – EU rules Daily rates... must correspond to the costs incurred by the employing institutions (actual salaries + social security charges + other statutory costs)... may not exceed the daily rates assessed by the EU To assess the daily rates we need a statement by your financial department stating the daily costs for your employment amended by salary slips.

Nadine Kutz, M. A. Staff costs – EU rules countryCat 1 (manager- or legislator- tasks) Cat 2 (researcher, teacher - tasks) Cat 3 (technician- tasks) Cat 4 (administrative tasks) Jordan€183,-€141,-€100,-€70,- Lebanon€281,-€248,-€124,-€76,- Germany€419,-€310,-€221,-€203,- Spain€321,-€212,-€163,-€117,- UK€355,-€334,-€231,-€158,- General rule: Staff costs reimbursement correspond to the task performed and not to the status of the person

Staff costs – OSSCOM InstitutionStaff Costs (total)Staff costs paid by Tempus Staff costs co- financed BRSU53.211,00€40.714,00€12.497,00€ GJU40.567,00€32.232,00€8.335,00€ LU41.271,00€32.078,00€9.193,00€ UBRUN42.882,00€33.906,00€8.976,00€ YU29.040,00€22.964,00€6.076,00€ NDU32.712,00€25.470,00€7.242,00€ UCLM34.405,00€26.865,00€7.540,00€ tarent38.867,00€28.780,00€10.087,00€ TAGITI27.513,00€21.812,00€5.701,00€ IML20.543,00€14.790,00€5.753,00€

Nadine Kutz, M. A. Staff costs – documentation and payment Before instalments will be made we need the following documentation: Copies of contracts of employment Statements on daily rates / salary slips Timesheets* Conventions for staff costs* Instalments are on quarterly basis. * Please refer to your handouts Need to comply with the project budget!

Nadine Kutz, M. A. Staff costs – Time sheets Project number SurnameKutz First NameNadine InstitutionBonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences PositionProject Management (Administrative) Duties*Category 4 PeriodMarch 2014

Nadine Kutz, M. A. Staff costs – Time sheets Date N° of hours (7,5 = day) WPDescription of tasks performed... 24/03/20147,51,1Preparation of project kickoff Meeting (orgaisation of catering, preparation of slides) 25/03/20147,51,1Preparation of project kickoff Meeting (revision of budget, revision of slides) 26/03/20147,51,1Preparation of project kickoff Meeting (revision of budget, preparation of meeting room) 27/03/20147,51,1Project kickoff Meeting 30h= 4 work days Remember! This goes from the BRSU Cat. 4 Budget

Staff costs – Convention for staff costs Between: Bonn Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (my home institution) &Nadine Kutz (staff member) From: March 01 – March Duties: X Administrative Staff Description of specific duties: Project Kickoff Meeting The costs to be borne by the Tempus grant and/or co-financed is calculated as follows: N° of days: (co-financed) Staff costs/day:203,-€ Total costs:609,-€ + 203,-€ (co-financed) Total: 812,-€ Date + signature of staff member and home institution!

Nadine Kutz, M. A. Equipment – tendering procedures DocumentProcedure call for tender Is to be agreed upon with the BRSU purchase officer (Thomas Weber) before publication quotations from at least three suppliers (for all purchases in excess of JOD10.000,-/ $10.000,-) Go directly from the suppliers to the receiving university and (cc or as fax/scan) to the BRSU purchase officer Documentation: copies of all subcontracts & invoices need to be sent to BRSU before installments will be made original subcontracts & invoices need to be stored at the receiving institution until 5 years after the closure of the project (= approval of final report)

Nadine Kutz, M. A. Equipment – documentation & payment Documentation of the tendering procedure: copies of all subcontracts & invoices need to be sent to BRSU before installments (80%) will be made original subcontracts & invoices need to be stored at the receiving institution until 5 years after the closure of the project (= approval of final report) Payment: 80% upon receipt of invoice copies 20% upon receipt of proof of payment

Nadine Kutz, M. A. Travel costs – Eligible costs Costs for mobility (flights, train, bus, taxi,...) From PC > EU From EU or PC > PC Other related costs (visa, obligatory personal health insurance) Under the following conditions: The mobility needs to be directly related to the project activities You should use economic means of travel

Nadine Kutz, M. A. Travel costs – documentation and payment Payment 4.000,00€ as pre-payment to every institution More pre-payments are subject to negotiation with every quarterly installment Documentation: Reimbursement form (to assess the eligible amount of travel costs) Individual Mobility Report (as confirmation of receipt) Readable copies of travel tickets, invoices, boarding passes, receipts etc.

Travel costs – Reimbursement Form Fixed currency exchange rates! o Use the text-elements to explain your travel. o Hotel costs, costs of local transportation are part of your per diem and not to be declared extra. o All claimed costs (apart from per diem) need to be accompanied by a readable copy of proof of payment Please claim also o other costs related to your travel: visa, obligatory insurance o Per diem.

Travel costs – Individual travel report Personal Data Surname: Gebrane First Name: Marwan Gender: Male Nationality: Lebanese Staff Position: Assistant Professor Host Institution: Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences Type of Activity: X short visit for coordination... Costs of stay: 434,-€ Travel costs: Real travel costs! Period spent abroad: March 2014 Duration in days: 3 (!) Description of Activity: Kick-Off Meeting, presentation of partners, discussion on workplan, setting project management rules,... Signature by the recipient of the reimbursement. The days of arrival and departure are counted as 0,5 days!

Thank you for your attention! Nadine Kutz, M. A.