Design and Implementation of Accounting Information System for Cutting Paper Company “PT. X”.
Background In Buying Process, the company still uses plan paper to record order to the supllier. Order to supplier will be done when the goods are empty. After the goods arrive in this company and they receive the bill, the check the goods. In Selling Process, the company receive order from customer then they check the availability of the goods. If the stock can fullfeel the order, the company will make the bill and also delivery report to the customer. In Accounting Process, this company still uses manual accounting method (paper based) so it will take a long time to do it.
Problem How to create a system that can make purchase order quickly How to create a system to make sales order and alse delivery report quickly How to record cash dishburshment to every purchasing How to record cash receipt from customer who paid cash How to record cash receipt from customer by using Bilyet Giro How to make a journal report and legder approximately
Purpose The purpose from this thesis is to make an accounting information system to help this company to solve the problem in revenue and expenditure cycle and also financial report efficiently and quickly
Scope User privilege ( login ) To indentify user who used this application, because every user have difference user privilege based on their position. Transaction Record The feature to recording purchas, sales, production and also accounting
Purchase The feature to record purchase transaction include purchase order, receivable inventory, and also invoice of cash disbursement. Sales The feature to record sales order, delivery order, invoice of cash receipts
Production Feature to record the proses of production. The recording include the total of raw goods, and also the finishing good. This fitur also record bill of material and also the production plan
Accounting The feature to make journal such as : Chart of Accounts Purchase Journal Sales Journal General Journal Income Statement Account Receivable Adjustment Journal Closing Entries
Calculate Cost of Good Sold To Calculate Cost of Good Sold from cutting paper Method of recording inventory Method that used to record inventory is FIFO. But, the sistem to record inventory is perpetual method
Report In this application made some report such as: Master Report Master of Goods Master of Employee Master of Supplier Master of Customer
Report Purchase Transaction Sales Transaction Production Transaction Purchase and Payable Journal Sales and Receivable Journal Income Statement This application will make using PHP language and MySQL as database
Context Diagram
DFD Level 0
DFD Level 1 Purchase Cycle
DFD Level 1 Sales Cycle
DFD Level 1 Production Cycle
DFD Level 1 Financial Cycle
Conclusion To record the purchase and sales of good can be done structurized and also computerized This application can create the data report and financial report for the company’s need automatically. Based on the testing result, this application fit the accounting system in the company.
Suggestion This system can be improved as e-commerce application. This system can be improved with consideration for the calculation of depreciation and fixed assets.