What is a Master Plan? It will create a future vision for the campus. Design Process Stakeholder Needs Data Concepts Projections Input Analysis Refine It will create a future vision for the campus. It is supported by policies, guidelines and priorities. It will guide the development and evolution of the entire campus plus impact development in the surrounding area. It is based on public input, program initiatives, existing development, physical characteristics, plus social & economic context. The Master Plan Will answer four basic questions: 1) What is Harbor/UCLA Medical Center now? 2) What can Harbor/UCLA Medical Center become in the future? 3) How does Harbor/UCLA Medical Center get there? 4) How can Harbor/UCLA Medical Center positively impact the community? A master plan creates a vision that is supported by policies, guidelines, and priorities. It will guide the development and evolution of the entire campus plus impact development in the surrounding area. A Master Plan is a comprehensive long range plan intended to guide growth and development of a campus. It includes analysis, recommendations, and proposals for the campus’ land use impact plus the surrounding community. It is based on public input, surveys, planning initiatives, existing development, physical characteristics, and social and economic conditions.
Schedule – Public Outreach June 2011 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan 2012 Feb Data Gathering Introduction and Initial Input Programming & Analysis Report Back Option Input and Feedback Review Program Master Plan Development Report on Status Option Input and Feedback Review Master Plan Options
Key Input Idea Stations Your input into the planning process is very important. What do you think the major issues are on the campus? We want to understand your thoughts for how this campus should evolve to best serve the community. Idea Stations Station 1 - Health and Wellness Station 2 – Campus Uses Station 3 – Physical Environment Station 4 - Economic Development Rotate through each Station and provide input on each of the topics.
Summary Review questions from the note cards and post ups. Summarize what we learned today. Identify any obvious trends or common issues.
Next Steps How can you provide input on an ongoing basis? Participate in future meetings. Fill out comment cards at meetings. Call (626) 300-2362 and leave a comment. Email CNash@dpw.lacounty.gov with a comment.