Object-Oriented Programming in C++ Lecture 3 Functions Header Files
Introduction Last lecture we This lecture we will look at C++ reviewed the concept of classes discussed their representation using UML class diagrams implemented and used a simple C++ class introduced C++ structures and enumeration types This lecture we will look at C++ functions header files
C++ Functions we have already written some C++ functions in the Account class class Account { //….. // return the account's balance double getBalance(){ return balance;} // add money to the account void deposit(double amount) { balance += amount; } // ….. };
C++ Functions C++ functions are similar to those in Java, C, C# also known as methods, subroutines, or procedures general form: type function_name (parameter list) { statements; return statement; } in C local variables must be declared at the beginning the function in C++ they can be declared anywhere in the function unlike in Java and C#, functions don't need to belong to a class
A function to add two numbers #include <iostream> using namespace std; int addNums(int x, int y) { return x + y; } int main() { int a = 3; int b = 5; int answer = addNums(a, b); cout << a << " + " << b << " = " << answer << endl; cout << "7 + 6 = " << addNums(7, 6) << endl;
Functions in C++, C, Java, and C#, the return statement returns control to the calling function the returned value must have the same type as the function int addNums(int x, int y) { return x + y; } a function that does not return a value has type void the return statement may be omitted void error_mess (int err_no) { cout << "Error " << err_no << " has occurred " << endl; calling the function: if (slope < 0) error_mess(5);
Overloading functions consider the addNums function int addNums(int x, int y) { return x + y; } it takes two integers as parameters and returns an int what if we wanted to add two doubles? three integers? we need to write more functions we are allowed to give them the same name as long as they can be distinguished by their parameter lists this is function overloading C does not allow overloading
Overloads of addNum which function will be called by: int addNums(int x, int y) { return x + y; } double addNums(double x, double y) { int addNums(int x, int y, int z) { return x + y + z; which function will be called by: answer = addNums(3.1f, 4.5f); ? answer = addNums(3, 4.5); ?
Overloading functions selection of the correct function overload occurs at compile time the compiler will first try to find an exact match to the parameter list it then applies any possible type conversions int or float to double if the compiler cannot choose it will give an error answer = addNums(3, 4.5); error C2666: 'addNums' : 2 overloads have similar conversions test.cpp(55): could be 'double addNums(double,double)' test.cpp(51): or 'int addNums(int,int)'
Overloading functions function overloads that have the same parameter list but differ only in the return type are not allowed how would the compiler know which overload to call? double addNums(double x, double y) { return x + y; } int addNums(double x, double y) { return (int)(x+y+0.5); // … int answer = addNums(3.2, 5.6); // ???? error C2556: 'int addNums(double,double)' : overloaded function differs only by return type from 'double addNums(double,double)'
Default arguments we can sometimes avoid writing multiple overloads by providing default values in the function declaration int addNums(int x, int y, int z = 0) { return x + y + z; } can be called by both answer = addNums(5, 2); answer = addNums(3, 1, 8); in the first call, z is assigned the value 0 parameters with default values must appear at the end of the parameter list why?
Overloaded operators in practice, we probably wouldn't write an addNums function we would use the '+' operator instead '+' is already overloaded to work with all integral and floating point types it also works with strings concatenation string s1 = "Cathy "; string s2 = "French"; string s3 = s1 + s2; s3 contains "Cathy French"
Inline expansion Function calls are expensive The inline keyword requests that the compiler replace every call to this function with the code inside the function. the compiler can ignore this request inline int addNums(int x, int y) { return x + y; } the function call int answer = addNums(a, b); might be expanded by the compiler to int answer = a + b;
Inline expansion advantage of inline expansion disadvantages avoids the overhead of function call and return particularly useful for short functions disadvantages compiled program can take up more room in memory because function code is repeated for every function call CPU can't take advantage of instruction caching
What is the output? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { function1(true); function2(true); } void function2(bool val) { cout << "This is function 2" << endl; if (val) function1(!val); void function1(bool val) { cout << "This is function 1" << endl; function2(!val); What is the output?
Output 1>------ Build started: Project: Express Examples, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1> Functions.cpp 1>g:\c++\express examples\express examples\functions.cpp(5): error C3861: 'function1': identifier not found 1>g:\c++\express examples\express examples\functions.cpp(6): error C3861: 'function2': identifier not found 1>g:\c++\express examples\express examples\functions.cpp(12): error C3861: 'function1': identifier not found 1> Generating Code... ====Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ====
What went wrong? In C++ a function must be declared before it is used (called) so that the compiler can check that the correct parameters and return types are being used can we rearrange the program to make it compile?
Prototypes in some cases (but not this one) it is possible to carefully order the functions so each is defined before it is called can get messy if a program has lots of functions especially if they are split up over several files a better solution is to use prototypes a function prototype or declaration gives the name, number and type of arguments, and return type of the function void function1(bool val); void function2(bool val); no method body the argument name (val ) is optional but it helps document the function
Using a prototype function prototypes or declarations #include <iostream> using namespace std; void function1(bool val); void function2(bool val); int main() { function1(true); function2(true); } void function2(bool val) { cout << "This is function 2" << endl; if (val) function1(!val); void function1(bool val) { cout << "This is function 1" << endl; function2(!val); function prototypes or declarations function definitions
Header files when developing larger programs, it is useful to put the prototypes in a separate header file suffix .h, for example MyFunctions.h any program file that uses these functions can include the header file #include “MyFunctions.h” this enables the compiler to check the parameters and return type of any functions called are correct without needing to access the function definitions header files can also contain constants, enums, structures and class declarations the use of header files allows the same declarations to be used in many .cpp files
Where are the header files? header files for C library functions are in a directory called include on my system, it is in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\include the path to this directory can be set in Visual Studio or by setting the Windows Environment variable INCLUDE in UNIX systems, header files are usually in /usr/include the preprocessor searches in the include directories for header files specified between angled brackets #include <iostream> tell the preprocessor to look in the current directory first by putting the header file name in quotes #include “Account.h”
Multiple-source compilation each source .cpp file is compiled separately the compiler requires declarations for all functions, classes, structures, constants the file referred to need to #include the appropriate headers preprocessor copies their contents into the file output of compilation is an object file includes a symbol table of references to functions whose code is not available could be library functions, or functions defined in other source files
Multiple-source compilation the linker then combines the object files together into a single executable resolves the external references in the symbol table the linker looks for this external code in the executable directory path specified for the project the paths set for executable and library files
Guarding against multiple inclusions functions can be declared multiple times in the same source file prototypes repeated but defined only once method body structures, enums and classes can be declared only once it's easy to include the a header file twice in the same source file guard against this by using conditional definition or pragma
A header file: structures.h #ifndef STRUCTURES_H #define STRUCTURES_H struct Point3D { float x; float y; float z; }; enum colour { RED, ORANGE, YELLOW,GREEN,BLUE,VIOLET #endif if STRUCTURES_H is not yet defined, define it as everything up to the #endif otherwise ignore everything to the #endif
#pragma once an alternative is to use #pragma once specifies that the header file should be opened only once by the preprocessor if the header is included twice in the same source file, it won't be opened and copied in the second time
Header files for classes in our first version of Account, we put the entire class definition in the header file doing so defines all the functions inline by default this is suitable for short functions like double getBalance(){ return balance;} but not longer functions like withdraw we could define these functions in a separate file, account.cpp need to include the class name in the definition
Account.h #ifndef ACCOUNT_H #define ACCOUNT_H class Account { private: double balance; double interestRate; public: Account(double initialBalance, double rate); double getBalance(); void deposit(double amount); void withdraw(double amount); void addInterest(); }; #endif
account.cpp #include "account.h" Account::Account(double initialBalance, double rate) : balance(initialBalance), interestRate(rate) { } double Account::getBalance(){return balance;} void Account::deposit(double amount) { balance += amount; } void Account::withdraw(double amount) { // implement this method yourself void Account::addInterest() { balance *= (1 + interestRate/100.0);
Summary In this lecture we have looked at C++ functions header files syntax, overloading, default arguments, inline expansion header files need for prototypes, compiling multiple source files Next lecture we will continue looking at functions and introduce reference types