Charting the Ages in the Book of Revelation The Wrapping up of This Age The Dawning of the Age to Come Christ’s Coming in Glory New Creation Rev. 21:1 This Age Age to Come (1000 Year Reign) Ages of Ages (Eternity ) Last Judgment Rev. 20:11-15 Basic Premillennial Scheme
Charting the Ages in the Book of Revelation The Wrapping up of This Age The Dawning of the Age to Come Christ’s Coming in Glory New Creation Rev. 21:1 This Age Ages of Ages (Eternity ) Last Judgment Rev. 20:11-15 1000 Year Reign Basic Amillennial Scheme
Charting the Ages in the Book of Revelation The Wrapping up of This Age The Dawning of the Age to Come Christ’s Coming in Glory New Creation Rev. 21:1 This Age Ages of Ages (Eternity ) Last Judgment Rev. 20:11-15 1000 Year Reign Basic Postmillennial Scheme
Charting the Ages in the Book of Revelation The Wrapping up of This Age The Dawning of the Age to Come Christ’s Coming in Glory New Creation Rev. 21:1 This Age Ages of Ages (Eternity ) 1000 Year Reign Last Judgment Rev. 20:11-15 Basic A-Temporal Scheme
Charting the Ages in the Book of Revelation The Wrapping up of This Age The Dawning of the Age to Come Christ’s Coming in Glory New Creation Rev. 21:1 This Age Age to Come (1000 Year Reign) Ages of Ages (Eternity ) Judgment of the living and the dead Rev. 11:18; 19:11-20:6; 20:11-12 Last Judgment of the unrepentant Rev. 20:7-10, 13-15 New Creation Millennial Scheme
Charting the Ages in the Book of Revelation This age since the cross and resurrection of Jesus, in which other NT sources see Satan rampant and evil prevalent, has to be seen as an age of glory and reign by the holy ones, in which Satan is bound and imprisoned. Attempted solution: the martyrs reign in heaven. The defeat of Satan and his armies and his expulsion from heaven to earth (Rev. 12) must be read as the same thing as Satan’s capture and imprisonment in the abyss (Rev. 20:1-3), two scenes that do not match at all. The battle at the close of the 1000 years (Rev. 20:7-10) must be interpreted as another viewpoint on the battle of Har Magedon (19:11-21)—because they both supposedly happen at the Second Coming. Problem: where does the beast fit in? New Creation This Age Ages of Ages (Eternity ) Last Judgment Rev. 20:11-15 1000 Year Reign Oddities of the Amillennial Scheme
Charting the Ages in the Book of Revelation Where do the nations come from who attack the faithful at the close of the 1000 years (Rev. 20:7-10)? Webb Mealy solution: They are the “rest of the dead,” who are consigned to the underworld and released (by resurrection) at the same time as the devil (compare Rev. 19:21; 20:1-3, 7-10; Isa. 24:21-23; 26:10—27:5) Over what do Christ and the holy ones reign for 1000 years (Rev. 20:4)? All the unrepentant were killed at Har Magedon (19:14-21). Webb Mealy solution: they reign over the living earth, as at the beginning (Gen. 1:26-28) This Age Age to Come (1000 Year Reign) Ages of Ages (Eternity ) Oddities of the Premillennial Scheme
Charting the Ages in the Book of Revelation New creation cannot be read sequentially in relation to millennium and last judgment (Rev. 20:1-10). On the other hand, the coming of the new creation and the marriage of the Lamb most naturally belong at the second coming, not later (Rev. 19:5-9 || 21:1-2), and Revelation is not sequentially composed, but contains multiple visions of the second coming. Allows the unrepentant to set foot in the new creation. However, see Isa. 27:1-5, and consider the symmetry of the first temptation and first fall in the first paradise (Gen. 3), paralleled by the last temptation and last fall in the final paradise (Rev. 20:7-10, set in context of 21:1-8; 22:1-5). Judgment is split into two stages (a complication of premillennialism generally). Rev. 20:12 is taken as the judgment of the dead at Christ’s second coming (Rev. 11:18), and Rev. 20:13-15 is taken as new viewpoint (this time in courtroom imagery) on the battle of Rev. 20:7-10 (cf. Isa. 26:10—27:5; Heb. 10:26-27). The Wrapping up of This Age The Dawning of the Age to Come Christ’s Coming in Glory New Creation Rev. 21:1 This Age Age to Come (1000 Year Reign) Ages of Ages (Eternity ) Last Judgment of the unrepentant Rev. 20:7-10, 13-15 Judgment of the living and the dead Rev. 11:18; 19:11-20:6; 20:11-12 Oddities of New Creation Millennial Scheme
Charting the Ages in the Book of Revelation Come Lord Jesus! End of Presentation