1 3c: Balancing work and non-working life Mark Feldman Central Bureau of Statistics, Israel Meeting of the Group of Experts on Quality of Employment, Geneva, September 2013
3c: Balancing work and non-working life The substantive element Combining Work, Family and Personal Life covers a set of indicators related to standards and fundamental principles and rights at work and social protection. 2
Indicators with very minor (non-substantial) changes 3c1. Percentage of persons / parents family leave benefits: The decision was: Refer to parents instead of persons. 3
Indicators that have been removed Mean weekly hours usually worked per household The decision was: Include as a context indicator, but remove from the list. 4
Indicator sheets 3c1: Percentage of parents receiving maternity/paternity/family leave benefits. 3c2: Percentage of women, resp. men aged years who are employed with and without children under compulsory school age. 3c3: Percentage of employed persons whose working arrangements offer the possibility to work at home. 3c4: Percentage of households with at least one employed parent with access to child care. 3c5: Mean duration of commuting time between work and home. 5
Issues for discussion at the meeting 3c: Balancing work and non-working life” change to “Work- life balance” After editing of the publication on "Quality of employment in Israel" by the Publishing Department we received remark to change the definition of dimension 3c from “Balancing work and non-working life” to “Work- life balance”. 6
Issues for discussion at the meeting (cont.) 3c1: Percentage of parents receiving maternity/ paternity/family leave benefits. 1. I recommend to change the definition of the indicator. The new definition: 3c1: Percentage of parents receiving maternity/paternity leave benefits. 2. The age interval for this indicator should be the working parents (e.g. persons aged years). I received the following question: Why not take all employed parents (irrespective of age) with dependent children? - I recommend to use this age group because it is a main fertility age group. 7
(cont.) Issues for discussion at the meeting 3c2. Percentage of women, resp. men aged years who are employed with and without children under compulsory school age. I received the following question: What is the rationale of taking of considering this age group instead of, e.g., or 15-65? -I recommend to use this age group because it is a main fertility age group. 8
(cont.) Issues for discussion at the meeting 3c4. Percentage of households with at least one employed parent with access to child care. The main source of data for this indicator is the Labour Force Survey. In the absence of the Labour Force Survey records, data from Social Survey could be used. They can also be obtained from household surveys and censuses which include questions on child care. In the absence of the above, some of the data can also be obtained from the administrative data on child care. I received the following question: What do you mean by Social Survey ? - The Social Survey provides information regarding the living conditions and welfare of the population, including the perceptions and opinions of the public. The European Social Survey (the ESS): 9
Thank you for your attention! 10