Key Text: Psalm 119:105--“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” PRAYER
Last week we discovered that all the Scriptures are inspired by God and that they reveal the Plan of Salvation through Christ.
This week we shall find out what guidance may be obtained from a study of the Scripture. Our first text is Psalm 119:105. Points to Emphasize: –God’s Word illuminates the Christian’s pathway.
POINTS TO EMPHASIZE: –We would do well to heed the sure word of prophecy. –Prophecy is as a light in a dark place—it helps illuminate our understanding.
POINT TO EMPHASIZE: –God reveals His secrets to His servants, the prophets, who in turn share these with us.
POINT TO EMPHASIZE: –Jesus says it is important to read and understand the book of Daniel.
POINT TO EMPHASIZE: –This Book of Daniel describes the latter days—that is, the time just before the end of the world.
POINTS TO EMPHASIZE: –King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream, but he could not remember it. –Daniel revealed the dream. –It was an image with a head of gold, breast and arms of silver, belly and thighs of brass, legs of iron, and feet with partly iron and partly clay.
POINTS TO EMPHASIZE: –Then a Stone, cut out without hands, struck the image on its feet and broke it into peices. The Stone then filled the whole earth. –Daniel interpreted the dream. –Babylon was the head of gold (verse 38) and ruled the world from 605 to 539 B.C.
POINTS TO EMPHASIZE: –Then followed three successive kingdoms to Babylon, each one inferior to its predecessor. –History tells us that these kingdoms were Medo-Persia, which ruled the world from 539 to 331 B.C.; Greece, which was in power from 331 to 168 B.C.; and Rome which ruled from 168 B.C. to A.D. 476.
POINTS TO EMPHASIZE: –Since A.D. 476, various powers have developed and have been partly strong and partly broken or partly weak. –Basically, this chapter teaches us that there will be four—and only four—universal kingdoms. No more, no less. Then God will set up His Kingdom, which will last forever.
POINT TO EMPHASIZE: –This prophecy is fulfilled when Christ comes the second time.
POINTS TO EMPHASIZE: –Not everyone who professes Christianity will be saved. –Only those who obey God will enter His Kingdom.
Just as surely as the first four, and only four, universal kingdoms came to pass—exactly as predicted—so we may have certainty that the last event, God’s setting up of His everlasting Kingdom, will also be fulfilled. I, personally, want to be a part of that Kingdom. Don’t you?
Thank God for the sure word of prophecy which gives confidence in His Word. Thank God for His wonderful love in telling us not only where this world has been, but where it is going so that we may be part of that kingdom. Pray for the needs of the family.
Next week we shall discuss together the signs of the event which herald the setting up of God’s kingdom—the Signs of Christ’s Second Coming.