Working with Worksheet
Contents Contents Spreadsheet Worksheet Entering Data Selecting Cells & Cell Ranges Navigating a Worksheet Definition Components Advantages Limitations Contents
Spreadsheet It is a software which allows to perform quick & easy calculation on stored data. We can represent the information in an effective way using tools of spreadsheet package. Microsoft Excel is a GUI based spreadsheet package developed by Microsoft Corporation, USA. It allows to enter, analyze & manage the data. In Excel , a file is called as a workbook & it contains multiple worksheets.
Worksheet It is a grid like area, made up of rows and columns. By default, an Excel workbook displays 3 worksheets at the bottom with the names sheet1, sheet2 and sheet3. No. of sheets can be added according to requirement. A worksheet consists of 1048576 rows & 16384 columns. The columns are designated alphabetically starting with A and rows numerically beginning with 1.
Worksheet Contd..
Entering Data Steps are : Click the cell. Type the data Press Enter or Tab Key. We can enter label or number or formula. Excel identifies the type of cell entry by first character of entered data.
Entering Data Contd.. Numbers : Rules for entering numbers are : It can not begin with any character except o through 9, -,+,$,. It can be ended with % sign. It can not have more than one decimal point. Number can be entered in scientific notation. By default, number appears right aligned in the cells.
Entering Data Contd.. Labels or Text : Labels are commonly used for row or column headers. A Label is a combination of letters, numbers, and some symbols. By default, labels are left aligned. Entering Multiple lines of Text : Click the cell in which you want to enter the text Type the first line of text For each additional line of text, press the Alt+Enter key (that is, hold down the Alt key as you press the Enter key), and then type the text.
Entering Data Contd.. Formula : A formula must begin with ‘=‘. e.g. =A1+B1+C1. Excel does not display the formula in cell, it only displays result in cell. To see the formula in cell, make this cell active & Excel displays the formula used in this cell in the Formula Bar.
Selecting Cells & Cell Ranges A group of cells is called a cell range or range An adjacent range is a single rectangular block of cells A nonadjacent range consists of two or more distinct adjacent ranges
Selecting Contd.. In Excel, Cells can be selected through keyboard or mouse. To select a cell just click on it or using the arrow keys. To select entire row or column click row or column heading. To select adjacent cell range click first cell to be selected & drag the mouse in direction of cells to include in selection. To select nonadjacent cell range click first to be selected & drag in direction of cells to select. Press & hold ctrl key while dragging.
Selecting Contd.. In Excel, Cells can be selected through keyboard or mouse. To select a cell just click on it or using the arrow keys. To select entire row or column click row or column heading. To select adjacent cell range click first cell to be selected & drag the mouse in direction of cells to include in selection. To select nonadjacent cell range click first to be selected & drag in direction of cells to select. Press & hold ctrl key while dragging.
Navigating a Worksheet Excel provides several ways to navigate a worksheet
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