CJ100 Unit #4 Research & APA Prof. Ruth Ronan QUESTIONS? Please contact me through email, virtual office or office hours.


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Presentation transcript:

CJ100 Unit #4 Research & APA Prof. Ruth Ronan

QUESTIONS? Please contact me through , virtual office or office hours.

Question? Share with me one thing you have read in your life (book, article, etc.) that you enjoyed. What do you think the author did to prepare for writing that piece?

Question? What is your definition of paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing Putting research into your own words You must still give credit (cite) to your source A good paper is a mix or balance of paraphrasing and quotations –Too much of either one is not a good thing!

Paraphrasing For your final project: –Paraphrase! Paraphrasing shows your understanding of what your interviewee has told you Use quotes here and there, but they shouldn’t dominate your paper Your paper shouldn’t just be “question and answer” –Show your interpretation or thoughts of what your interviewee has told you

Question? Name one reason why it is important to cite work from others. Explain your answer.

Why Cite? Give credit Shows strength of your research Shows others where to find your research

Library – Electronic Articles

What is APA? APA means “The American Psychological Assocation”; they created this method of formatting APA formatting is an approach to writing that provides credit to the author of material that you have used in a paper. APA formatting is also a specific style (how your paper should look).

The “Basics” There are two parts to giving credit to an another person in your paper when you are formatting with APA: –1) The citation: a very brief statement written within your text that tells the reader “the idea that I just talked about was not mine, but belonged to another person”. The citation is brief so as not to interrupt the reading much

The “Basics” There are two parts to giving credit to an another person in your paper when you are formatting with APA: –2) The reference listing: a more detailed listing that comes at the end of the paper and can tell the reader enough information that they can actually go and find the book

When to cite? Whenever you are referring to an idea that is not uniquely your own, one that has been drawn from another source, you must “cite” that idea as someone else’s. The most common example is from a periodical or book: –Community policing involves developing a relationship between citizens and the police department (Jones, 2005).

When to cite? The citation follows the expression of the idea; typically at the end of a sentence (an exception would be when you express two or more ideas in one sentence: –Community policing involves developing a relationship between citizens and the police department (Jones, 2005). This is the citation

When to cite? The order of the citation is important, and should include, in parenthesis, the author’s name, a comma, and the year of publication: –Community policing involves developing a relationship between citizens and the police department (Jones, 2005). Author nameYear

When to cite? You must cite the particular book each time you draw from it; not just the first time you use it in a text.

When to cite? If your citation refers to a specific page or pages (most often quotations), you should also include that in your citation: –“Community policing involves developing a relationship between citizens and the police departmen”t (Jones, 2005, p. 48). Page number

When to cite? Important: if you directly quote a text, you must put the quote in quotation marks: –“Community policing involves developing a relationship between citizens and the police department” according to one source (Jones, 2005, p. 48). Note the gray portion is a direct quote from the Jones source

Examples: No authors What if your source does not have an author listed anywhere? You will list the first few words of the title of the work: –Community policing involves developing a relationship between citizens and the police department (“Policing in Action”, 2005). Title synopsis

Examples: Personal Communications Personal communications, such as s, interviews, phone interviews, etc. are cited within your text, but they are NOT listed in the reference list: –Arthur Jones stated that community policing involves developing a relationship between citizens and the police department (personal communication, May 8th, 2005). This will NOT be listed in the reference list

References - Formatting Reference lists are in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. Multiple authors for the same reference are listed in alphabetical order. If you have more than one reference by the same author, you list them in order by the year of publication. Use “&” as opposed to “and” in listing multiple authors

Important Points You must “credit” others for their work; APA will do this for you If this credit isn’t given, you might be committing plagiarism You must connect your citations to a link in the reference list (with the exception of personal interviews)

Important Points Consult the APA Publication Manual or earch/r_apa.html (Purdue University’s English Lab APA website) for further information. This Powerpoint is merely a basic primer in APA formatting.

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