REED 520 – Teaching Reading to Students with Disabilities
INTRODUCTION Direct Instruction has been shown to be an effective process for teaching students with disabilities to read. It is important that effective teachers understand what direct instruction is and how to use it in the literacy classroom to ensure all students are successful. (You will need to differentiate between direct instruction and Direct Insruction (DI).
TASK and PROCESS 1. Start with the sources provided on the next slide to give you information about your topic. As a group, you can decide how you will acquire the information but each person must have equal participation in the presentation and sharing of information. 2. Synthesize the research by creating a 30 minute presentation that can be viewed by all class members. Use Googledocs to collaboratively create your presentation. Use this link: uohg80ezaXmd8Cgr5QYx5_VhFV9ATaM9g9aMy_Dk/edit?usp=sharing uohg80ezaXmd8Cgr5QYx5_VhFV9ATaM9g9aMy_Dk/edit?usp=sharing 3. Make sure to include links to all sources of information that you use in your presentation. 4. After reading the information on the websites and in the articles, use Google Docs to create a presentation to synthesize the most important information. Make sure the presentation is visually appealing yet effective. See the list below for suggestions on effective PowerPoint presentations:
Resources Here are some sources you can use to start. Feel free to find additional sources. University of MI – Department of Psychology Direct Instruction – Systematic Instruction Explicit Instruction University of Kansas- Direct Instruction A Scientific Approach to Reading Instruction Direct Instruction and the Teaching of Early Reading Direct Instruction in Reading Comprehension
EVALUATION- Presentation
EVALUATION- Group Participation
CONCLUSION After completing this Internet Workshop assignment, you should be able to create a presentation about Direct Instruction/Explicit Instruction/Systematic Instruction and how it is helpful for teaching students with disabilities to be successful readers. Additionally, you should gain accurate, up-to-date and helpful information about this topic. You should also gain new knowledge by viewing the projects of other class members.
SUGGESTION FOR COMPONENTS Slide 1 – Title Page – with names Slide 2 – Questions to consider Slides 3-6 – Summary of information– including definitions - provide links to articles or sources Slides 7– Benefits Slides Specific examples or applications to teaching reading to students with disabilities Slide 10 – Bibliography – provide a list of all sources used – use APA formatuse APA format