Computer-mediated communication Acknowledgements to Euan Wilson (Staffordshire University)
Topic includes Bulletin boards Structured message system Computerised meeting rooms Video conferencing
In relation to Groupware is the –most popular –least expensive –most successful Systems vary with respect to the amount of support provided for Groupware functions
(2) stages –Preparation –Despatch –Notification –Receipt
Bulletin boards Contributions are submitted by users to a specific conference or newsgroup Contributions may be moderated by a bulletin board administrator Following possible moderation, contributions are made available to all users of the service.
v Bulletin Boards In the message author selects the recipients, though some distribution lists may be administered centrally. In bulletin boards, it is the recipient who decides what to subscribe to. Senders do not know who will read their contributions. Contributions may be moderated.
Question Does the “mail box” you use provide enough functionality to be the core of a Groupware system ?
Definition of Groupware (1) Lynch et al. (1990) –“groupware is distinguished from normal software by the basic assumption it makes; groupware makes the user aware that he is part of a group, whilst most other software seeks to hide and protect users from each other …”
Definition of Groupware (2) Two main types of groupware exist –Asynchronous –Synchronous
Definition of Groupware (3) Refined by Preece [1994] (who adapted Shneirderman [1992]) (definition of CSCW) »Same timeDifferent times Same placeface-to-faceAsynchronous interaction (class rooms, (project scheduling, co- meeting rooms) ordination tools) Different placeSynchronous distributionAsynchronous distribution (shared editors, video ( , bulletin boards, windows) conferences)
De Sanctis and Gallupe (1987) Johansen (1988) Baecker et al (1995)
Asynchronous Groupware –originally “point to point” communication –snail mail but with greater speed and efficiency Newsgroup –extension of –centrally stored –ordered / structured
Issues Electronic etiquette changes in group dynamics allows the employees to feel “connected” problems of authority, control and influence junk mail structure
Structured Messages Structured messages systems represent an attempt to provide users with better methods of organising, classifying, filtering and managing messages creation of “intelligent” processes which delegate tasks to agents
Information Lens Malone et al. 1987, 1989 an environment for intelligent management using semi-structured messages methods for mail management via the specification of rules for processing messages
Object Lens and Oval Malone et al 1988, 1992 representation of “things” in the world as semi structured objects with template based interfaces summarising collection of objects into views development of rule based agents
Multimedia mail Allows data other than text –images –audio –video IBM 1995, Wang Labs 1989 MIME - multipurpose Internet mail extensions
Computational mail Embedding of programs within (Borenstein 1993) active messages can carry out particular interactions with recipients in addition to transmitting information
Language / Action Perspective One way in which interdependencies amongst co- workers can is achieved is through language Winograd defines conversation as a means –to indicate a co-ordinated sequence of acts that can be interpreted as having linguistic meaning”
Co-ordinator Each message is treated as a move in a conversation. A request can be followed by –accepting that request –declining the request –offering an alternative –nothing Each leads to other steps
Workflow In the focus is on the process of messaging In workflow processing, the focus is on messages that define process
Co-operative Hypertext focus instead on the corpus of messages or other computer documents and their interrelationships web of complex information is recorded and structured into a hypertext –examples, collaborative knowledge building, asynchronous collaborative writing, organisational memory
Organisational Memory Conklin (1992) –organisations must shift from a document and artefact orientated paradigm to one that embraces process as well –software that integrates three technologies hypertext groupware rhetorical method (Issue based information system)
Rhetorical method Can improve quality of dialogue by providing structures for discussions about complex problems improved conversation record –recorded by thread rather than time
Lotus Notes Most successful organisational memory product is “an integrated communications and data base network application designed to gather, organise and distribute information among work groups, regardless of individual members physical locations” –Connor (1992)
First major user of Notes Price-Waterhouse –three major business issues Nobody knew who had the knowledge needed to solve a particular problem PW professional were constantly re- inventing the wheel need for better communication »Laube, PW Chief Information Office –introduced from the top-down
Advantages Increased structure raises potential for automation, for example in: –Message-base searching (e.g. with keywords) Tracing conversation threads Automatic routing to relevant users. Formalised model of conversation: –focuses attention –clarifies actions –clarifies deadlines
Disadvantages Rigid message structure leads to bending of message types etc. Over use of reminders can lead to sabotage and widespread disillusion Formal communications model can straight-jacket communications.
Synchronous Groupware Desktop conferencing systems Electronic meeting rooms Media spaces