PROJECT CONSORTIUM Grant Coordinator: University of Bristol Project Coordinator: UNESCO Chair in Governance and Management of Higher Education, University of Zagreb 7 consortium members 5 individual experts
PROJECT COORDINATORS - CROATIA University of Zagreb, UNESCO Chair: Vlasta Vizek Vidović University of Rijeka: Mladenka Tkalčić University of Zadar: Izabela Sorić Project assistant: Luka Juroš (UNESCO Chair)
PROJECT GOALS (1) General project goal: “To offer to the three participating Croatian universities a broad overview of the different approaches of the EU partner institutions to the conceptualization, strategic management and implementation of staff development”
PROJECT GOALS: SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 1.University top and middle management will understand the relationship between staff development, quality assurance and quality culture, as well as their role and responsibility in this area 2. Staff members with previous experience in QA management and staff development will acquire additional knowledge and skills to become future staff development co-ordinators at their institutions 3. Members of academic community and support staff will recognize the benefits of staff development programs 4. Continuous cooperation between EU and non-EU consortium members will be established as basis for development of specific Continuing Professional Development programs
PROJECT ACTIVITY PLAN Nov Consortium meeting in Zagreb Dec Training visit to Universities of Bristol and Strathclyde Jan Training visit to Universities of Groningen and Twente March Seminar for 30 Croatian higher education managers and staff developers in Dubrovnik April Sample training seminars for staff development in Rijeka and Zadar (teaching & management) May Sample training seminar for 24 staff development coordination experts in Zagreb (research & administration) June Closing consortium meeting in Motovun
DUBROVNIK TRAINING SEMINAR AIMS Aims: - presentation of staff development practices at partner and expert instituitons - hands-on experience of staff development workshop activities - working out of staff development policy documents - networking
DUBROVNIK TRAINING SEMINAR SCHEDULE Wednesday: Arrival Thursday: - Presentation of staff development practices - Small group discussions on staff development policy Friday: - Presentation of staff development practices (continued) - Workshops - Outlining staff development policy documents Saturday: - Workshops (continued) - Final discussion & presentation of staff development policy documents